

Words Dishonoured

You have
dishonoured words.

If they have lost their way
who else can you blame?

These trees want me to answer
what they should call the Sun
that neither burns
nor turns red.

I look towards the trees,
count the colours of wind,
and size up the seasons.

And I cannot say
the Sun is not guilty.

For the sake of the Sun
I make rude words sit
in Swayamvara.


You would think
I have flung myself
into a chasm
from some high peak.

The truth is I have changed the meaning
of chasms,
I have taken the wind
for a swing,
have made use of mountains
for a leap beyond.

I have changed
for you
what suicide means.

Comrade, life shall mean something else to you.

Even if, before dying,
you finally understood life,
who would trust you?
Who would forgive you?

who purposely violated
the innocence of meaning.

Translated by Rjesh Kumar Sharma