Academy of the Punjab in North America

English eBooks



17-Waris Shah: The Ideologue
Dr. Manzur Ejaz
18-Comparative Dictionary of Indian Austroasiatic Languages and Punjabi
Dr. Manzur Ejaz

19-Punjabi Literature
Translated by T. A. Zalite

20-A Reference Grammar of Punjabi
Harjeet Singh Gill and Henry A Gleason


21-Pakistan,s Foreign Policy 1947-2009
Abdul Sattar

22-Aspects of Punjabi Literature
Harbans Singh
23-Rabindranath Tagore in the 21st Century
Debashish Banerji

24-Pakistan Literature and Society
Fahmida Riaz

25-Writing Partition, Aesthetics and Ideology in Hindi and Urdu Literature
Bodh Parkash