Academy of the Punjab in North America

English eBooks



373-Britain In India 1858-1947
Lionel Knight

374-Warfare in Pre-British India-1500 BCE to 1740 CE
Kaushik Roy

375-Modern Muslim India and the Birth of Pakistan, 1858-1951
S. M. Ikram
376-The Punjab in Nineteenth Century Tracts
Norman Gerald Barrier


377-Literature, Gender, and the Trauma of Partition
Debali Mookerjea Leonard
378-Independence and Partition
Sucheta Mahajan
379-Culture Conflicts in East Pakistan, 1947-1971
Fazlur Rahman
380-Hardinge Papers Relating to Punjab
Dr. Kirpal Singh

381-A Brief History of the Sikh Religion
Pritam Singh

382-But, Prime Minister-Interactions with Benazir Bhutto
Javed Jabbar

383-On Alexander's Track to the Indus
Sir Aurel Stein

384-India's War - World War II and the Making of Modern South Asia
Srinath Raghavan


385-Sindh Revisited - A Journey in the Footsteps of Captain Sir Richard Burton
Christopher OndaatJe

386-History of Ancient and Early Medieval India_ From the Stone Age to the 12th Century
Upinder Singh
387-India after Independence  (1947-2000)
Bipan Chandra,Mridhula Mukharjee and Aditiya Mukharjee
388-India's Struggle for Independence, 1857-1947
Bipan Chandra