Academy of the Punjab in North America

English eBooks



341-In Quest of Freedom , The War of 1971
Maj Gen Ian Cardozo

Lawrence James

343-The Choas of Empire – The British Raj
Jon Wilson

344-1971 A Global History of the Creation of Bangladesh
Srinath Raghavan


345-Ancient People of Punjab
J Przyluski

346-Restructuring Class in Colonial Punjab
Anshu Malhotra

347-The Grand Trunk Road in the Punjab
K M Sarkar

348-Waiting for Allah, Pakistan’s Struggle for Democracy
Christina Lamb


349-Production of Postcolonial India and Pakistan
Ted Svensson

350-An Historical Sketch of the Native States of India
G B Malleson

351-Empires of the.Indus_The.Story of a River
Alice Albinia

352-Raiders in Kashmir
Akbar Khan


Rajendra Parasad

354-Gunpowder and Firearms_ Warfare in Medieval India
Iqtidar Alam Khan

355-The Performance of Nationalism_ India, Pakistan, and the Memory of Partition
Jisha Menon

356-1946 Great Calcutta-Killings and Noakhali Genocide
Dr. Dinesh chandra Singha & Ashok Dasgupta