APNA's English Articles About Punjab and Punjabi Page-1

APNA English Articles: Page-23 of 151

Radio Pakistan revives tradition MUSIC NOTES

WE have been told that Radio Pakistan Lahore is very shortly reviving its live programmes on classical music. One is reminded of the golden era of classical music programmes and concerts in the 1970s and 80s from Lahore which was worth listening to. In fact...

Bridging the idiom

Ajoka's just concluded third festival in as many years, 'Beyond Borders', has met the expectation that the theatre festival 'Zanani', organised by it three years ago, had raised. It was expected then that 'Zanani' would be the beginning of ...

Does Language Die

My Language is on the verge of death
Each word each sentence gasps for breath ‑
dhami-vela1, pauh-phutala2 , chhah-vela3, lauda-vela4 ,
diva-vatti5, khau‑pia6, kaura-seta7, dhaldian khitian8, ,...

The revolutionary duo

THERE were two sides to Salamat Ali Khan’s personality. The artiste was proud, confident and defiant of redundant traditions; the man was modest, insecure, yet dignified. The music that he has left behind is a fascinating ....

The Two Punjabs: A Cultural Path to Peace

Last year, the Pakistani cricket team spent a month and a half in India on tour, its first such visit in more than six years. Its first match was in Mohali, a small city in the Indian state of Punjab. As expected, hoards of fans converged to watch ...

The Punjab: ancient and medieval roots

There is no doubt that the idea of theological equality of human beings came to thesubcontinent through Islam; that it helped create an egalitarian social order is however a myth. As elsewhere, Muslims of foreign origin,...

Unforgettable Madan Mohan

Madan Mohan was not formally trained in music yet his music was richer than the work of better-qualified composers. M.L. Dhawan pays a tribute to the maestro whose 31st death anniversary falls on July 14 ...

Anglicisation of Punjabi

During the course of development, a language grows with addition and incorporation of new words into its vocabulary. Old and redundant words are slowly phased out as new ones are adopted and adapted to give voice to new concepts and experiences...

A link to the past

The city of Takshasila or Taxila, as the Greeks had named it, is situated about 32km north-west of Islamabad, capital of Pakistan, and close beside the railway station of Taxila. Takshasila lies at the head of . ...

A living legend

I HAVE a pleasing recollection of Fateh Ali Khan`s rendering of Khyal Darbari Kanhra in a private concert where he presented the raga with great skill and mastery. It was a memorable performance which lasted for good two hours.. ...