Academy of the Punjab in North America

English eBooks



1-Thirty Five Years in the Punjab
G.R. Elsmie
2-Travels in the Moghul Empire 1956-1668
Francois Bernier
3-Thirty Five Years in the East
John Martin Hondiberger
4-Memoirs of Alexander Gardner
Alexander Gardner

5-I Still Remember a Small Town in Punjab
O.P. Narula
6-Punjabi Century 1857 - 1947
Parkash Tandon
7-Tranels in India (in 4 Parts
Jean Bapiste Tavernier
8-After Five Years in Punjab
Ann C. Wilson

9-Dairy of a Hunter - From Punjab to Karakorum
Augustus Henry Irby
10-Diary of a Pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet
Captain Knight
11-Early Travels in India 1983 - 1619
William Foster
12-Across India
oliver Optic

13-Forty One Years in India
Field Marshal Lord Robers
14-A Ride to India - Across Persia and Baluchistan
Harry D.Windt
15-Travels in Kashmir and the Panjab
Baron Charles Von Hugel
16-Travels in Kashmir, Ladakh, Iskardo and Himalaya
T. S. Vigne