APNA's English Articles About Punjab and Punjabi Page-20

APNA English Articles: Page-20 of 151

Journalist Zafaryab Ahmad Dies

LAHORE, JAN 25: Journalist Zafaryab Ahmad died of cardiac arrest here on Wednesday. He was 53. Mr. Zafaryab, during his career as journalist, had served the daily Dawn, weekly Viewpoint and daily The Frontier Post.He also edited...

Punncturing Promposity - On Punjabi Comedy

Comedy does not let off steam; it picks up a situation or value, shears it of its seriousness and grandeur and puts it on the low shelf with other everyday banalities. It evokes laughter, not catharsis through awe ...

Kenya: TheMan who Refused to Keep Quiet

Unquiet:The Life and Times of Makhan Singh is published in March 2006 by Awaaz in collaboration with the Kenya Human Rights Commission. Itis available at Sh1,200 at Simple Books at ABC shopping centre on ....

Three Day Shah Hussain International Conference

We the writers, poets and intellectuals of the national languages of Pakistan feel that we are culturally rich because of the great intellectual traditions and spiritual heritage of our classical Sufi poets. We are part ...

Hindi cinema,s First superstar

With his stunning portrayal of Devdas, Saigal brought the author Saratchandra’s desperate character to life. His brooding looks, that drooping lock of hair and his mournful singing Dukh ke ab din bitat,...

The pain of separation

Born in 1538 into a weaver family, a fact he never felt ashamed of, Shah Husayn received his early education in a mosque as was the tradition. At an early age he had committed the Quran to memory and mastered ...

Mystical Separation

Waris Shah. a name to be reckoned with in the tradition of Punjabi qissa poetry, is best known for his seminal work 'Heer', considered one of the quintessential works of classical Punjabi literature. Around 1766 AD, Waris...

Wajood or shahood?

I was utterly dejected when I alighted from the train that took me to Delhi from Amritsar last week. The railway platform was disgustingly dirty. It seemed that it had never been swept and there was no one even to keep stray dogs. ...

Shah Hussain: A non-punjabi approach

It is difficult for a non-Punjabi, and specially for a person who is not aware of even the ABC of Punjabi, to reach to the heart of classical Punjabi Sufi poet Shah Hussain to read and explore his poetry; his messages; his meanings; his ...