By Fakhar Zaman


Source: WPC

We the writers, poets and intellectuals of the national languages of Pakistan feel that we are culturally rich because of the great intellectual traditions and spiritual heritage of our classical Sufi poets. We are part of a splendid continuity of this heritage spread over many centuries from Baba Farid to Khawaja Farid and Mian Muhammad Buksh; from Abdul Karim Bulri to Sachal and Saami; from Bayazid Ansari to Rehman Baba and Ahmed Ali Sayyan; from Mullah Fazil to Jamdurah and Shah Hussain.

We are of the opinion that the present western phraseology of civil society, advocacy and tolerance has become ineffective and bereft of essence because we are alienated from cultural and spiritual past. In fact, humanism struggle against oppression and culture of tolerance are the salient features of our Sufi literature. These are not only the hollow and meaningless worlds for us but the living expression of the human trepidation running in our blood. These Sufi poets including Shah Hussain, who like a beacon, determine our directions; have organic relationship with the land and inseparable relation with the peoples. These were those great personalities who knew that life is not a bed of roses but an incessant struggle and protest against religious bigotry, economic inequality and endless squalor and resultant despondency and consternation.

We consider that foreign invasions, wars, poverty, class struggle, and solitudes are the product of centuries old explosive system. Baba Farid Sided with the poor people during Mangles attacks and Sufi poets like Mullah Fazil, Shah Hussain, Pir Roshan, Shah Inyat and Bayazid Ansari has sacrificed their lives in their struggle for collective ownership for Pushtoon and Sindhi peasants. Bulleh Shah and Shah Latif did not adopt the selfish life of withdrawal and resignation. Our Sufi poets’ symbolism was not individualistic but collective one which represented a longing for love, freedom and passion. Heer and Marvi become the metaphor of the mankind’s overall freedom. Shah Hussain Like other poets did not limit his writing to the aesthetics alone but he had his fingers on the pulse of the oppressed and the downtrodden. He was dialectically involved with the people and reflected eloquently the pains, pangs, aspirations of the people.

We know that Baba Farid provided the foundation for the writers of our national languages. The writings and the fine arts commensurate with the ideals and commitment of awami poets will live in the literary history and the collaborators who compromised with fascist, fundamentalists, dictators, adventuress and extremist will evaporate leaving no trace of words written by them except a despicable mention of their rank opportunism and blatant compromises.

In this backdrop, we have to search for our historical roots and we reiterate from this platform today that our languages of love and bother hood because they have a bright past. We condemn that present international aggression and brinkmanship. We pledge that we will not bow to the establishment under any circumstances and will keep our resistance against oppression and suppression. We also pledge that we will not accept the grab of tradition as a part of fad and fetish because they are indicative of tribal, parochial, feudalistic and capitalistic and pseudo modernistic system. We call for peace among countries of the world so that this century is not remembered by posterity as a century of human destruction as grandiloquently and shamelessly declared by the bullies intoxicated with military might.


1. A very limited time is given to National Languages on Television. We demand that more time be reserved for National Languages Programs.

2. We demand that Govt. should Practically help the WPC for establishing National Punjabi University in Lahore, immediately.

3. We demand that Govt. should provide jobs to ten thousand M.A Punjabis immediately.

4. We demand far more and more Govt. advertisements far Punjabi Newspapers, periodicals and T-V Channels.

5. We demand far more Punjabi literary programs on Electronic media including Dramas, Music Programs, which Should be monitored by committee of the WPC and a monthly report in this regard be submitted to Advisory council of the WPC to make sure that proper action is being taken in this regard. We demand for establishment of a Punjabi writers Club at Pakistan writers Guild Building like Lahore Press Club.

This house also demands that media and resolve all issues through dialogue and there should be no restrictions on writers, poets and sportsman of both the countries to visit India and Pakistan. Free cultural exchange between two countries should be opened immediately.

The house also appreciates and seconds the democratic movements in progress through the World and appeals to the creative minds of the world for their help to make these movements a success.

Fakhar Zaman
Chairman WPC