APNA's English Articles About Punjab and Punjabi Page-1

APNA English Articles: Page-130 of 151

170 years on, ..... Maharaja Ranjit's birthplace

PATIALA: Successive Punjab governments have made it a point to celebrate Maharaja Ranjit Singh's birth anniversary on November 13 at Badrukhan village in Sangrur district, but even after 170 years of his death there is a debate over where the only king of Punjab was born.......

Crumbling majesty: The fascinating Pakka Qila

"The Fort formed at once the place of defence, the treasury, and the residence of the native rulers."— Richard F. Burton in *Sindh revisited* Located right in the centre of Hyderabad, Sindh, are the remains of a fort. Only a part of the ruined majesty remains now; the grandeur of. ...

The weight of their past

Interviewing people whose memories are scattered across both sides of the Indo-Pak border, Aanchal Malhotra was alerted to the ways in which memory shapes our lives and what is at stake in the preservation of personal objects from the past ...

The Making of Exile: Sindhi Hindus and.....

Gateway House Mumbai, a foreign policy think tank, invited me in July 2014 to a brainstorming session on Indo-Pak trade. On my right sat an elegant, smiling lady in a resplendent blue sari. Nandita Bhavnani is a chartered accountant, lawyer and investment banker ....

Crossing borders: Why every Indian should visit...

Within a few hours of being in Lahore, it seemed that the entire city was going out of its way to welcome me. —Photo by author.I said, “I want to go to Pakistan…” but, I couldn’t finish before the reactions came flying in: “There are so many new places you can see ...

Music becomes collateral damage in souring of ....

After the Lahore-based Sachal Jazz Ensemble's seven Pakistani artists were denied permission to perform at the National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) on December 1, the band decided to cancel the Bangalore concert scheduled for the following day and returned home....

Ghadar, Bhagat Singh and their legacies ...

On the concluding day of the international conference commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Ghadar Movement, speakers analysed various aspects of its revolutionary nature, including the influence it had on later revolutionaries like Bhagat Singh. ...

Sufi music & culture festival held at NPC

ISLAMABAD: Beneath the clear and starry winter skies of Islamabad, the beautiful, people from all walks of life celebrated the depth of Sindhi culture and diversity of Pakistani culture with zeal and fervor here on Saturday night. Illuminated with colourful lights, lush green lawns of......

Gawalmandi : A taste of history

Khawaja Shakeel, the chairman of the Gawalmandi food street may have some answers.“After partition, Gawalmandi was the first properly developed area outside of the walled city in Lahore. It had already become a residential community after 1911. Later on, it was the . ...

Lahore Music House

Why, in 1947, was India partitioned? Was partition inevitable? Usually, these two questions dominate political discussions between the people from India and Pakistan. In search of their own answers, a plethora of books, research papers and articles have been written but none of ...