APNA's English Articles About Punjab and Punjabi Page-1

APNA English Articles: Page-117 of 151

Literature festival opens in capital

ISLAMABAD: It was with fanfare and a crowded hall that the second Islamabad Literature Festival opened at Margalla Hotel on Friday afternoon under the auspices of Oxford University Press....

The Sikh Darbar at Lahore and the Fakir Brothers

Punjab, the area to which Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Fakir Azizuddin belonged, lay in the northwestern plains of India. The Punjab derived its name from the five rivers—Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, and ...


The city of Chandigarh is Islamabad gone right. The similarities between these two cities – of their size, the most modern in the subcontinent - are numberless. ,...


“Kindly stay on the line. The Prime Minister will speak to you.” I waited, and within half a minute, I heard a familiar voice. It was I.K. Gujral. ....


My great-aunt died the other day. She was old just how did would be difficult to guess exactly. She had been a presence in the family ever since I or my father or even my grand father before him could ...


Maharaja Ranjit Singh has eluded capture by even the most persistent of his biographers. He has been approached on his blind side by western authors curious to find out whether the wily, wiry, lion of the,...

Saiful Malook in Khari Sharif today

Rawalpindi: The twin cities literary group 'Punjabi Sufi Sangat' has been organizing a weekly session for last three years to read and understand 'Saif al -Malook', a famous Punjabi poetry boo written by Hazrat. ...

International Opinion on Language Policy

Last month, the Government of India issued a notification which included retrograde provisions for Indian languages for central civil services examinations. The notification also added further weightage to English. ...