By Dr. Muhammad Sami Punjabi

The current proxy rally for the creation of so-called Mohajir Sooba in Karachi, recalled me the intimidation by one of the desperadoes (Faisal Sabzwari) of the racist UPites couple of months back while contending/challenging/blackmailing the Sindhi leadership of PPPP, as he warned them to read writing on the wall (the wall chalking in favour of socalled Mohajir sooba) rather overlooking it in a taking for granted manner; On one of the Urdu private tv channels two days back, another racist UPites leader implied towards the so-called grievances of the said sponsored rally in support of rubbish "Mohajir sooba" by introducing himself in the same tone to be a "Urdu speaking Sindhi". Having listened the said paradoxical statements time and again, let me ask please; Can French having infiltrated in Italy after plundering, occupying and ruling it without assimilating in Italian language and culture; deceptively claim themselves as French speaking Italians??? Never...!

 So is the case of racist aliens of Ganga Jamna, who have been infiltrating in Sindh since the time dust of more than 2 million Punjabis' massacre settled, occupied (particularly it's urban regions and specifically coastal belt with another ulterior dream/design to extend their occupation up to Gawadar, the coastal belt of Balochistan), ransacked it and have been consistently ruling directly or indirectly through Kolanchi/Karachi & Islamabad. Having witnessed the bloody defiance by the dignified sons of Sindh, Balochistan & Pashtoonkhwa, the said racists shrewdly had to change their name from "Mohajir to Motahida Komee Movement". They cleverly embarked upon another manoeuvre and started introducing themselves as "Urdu speaking Sindhis" just to betray the sons of Mehran (Shah Lateef, Sachal & Sheikh Ayaz) by underestimating their wit without pondering for a while that Sindhis are unlike Punjabis, the vast majority of whom have been shifting towards Urdu by blindly/mesmerizingly aping it at their homes having disowned Khawaja Fareed, Shah Hussain, Waris Shah, Baba Fareed, Bulla, Sultan Bahoo, Mian Mohammad Buksh, Mehr Ali Shah and many others' rich language and culture...!

 How could the so-called love for any motherland/Sindh be justified/accepted, until and unless one owns the said mother's tongue/Sindhi and culture by abandoning the alien ones...? However, inverse deeds of the said racist mafia speak louder than words & claims...! If anyone has to show his/her/their love for any mother land; it could only be proved by owning the linguistic and cultural codes of the said land, where asylum was sought...Otherwise all is rhetoric and cheap deception. How one could justify the blissful statements of the racist UPites, in which they have been loudly & boldly trying to take the whole credit for tabling the resolution for the division of Punjab in N.A and pledging to do the same in the case of Hazara and for the change of mechanism of two-third majority for carving out provinces/states/nations within existing ones...!

 Nevertheless, the (above exposed) enemy before us is not as much dangerous as the enemy within us  in terms of 5th columnists (dishonest Baloch, Pathan, Sindhi & Punjabi rulers, writers or intellectuals) . It has been consistently proved by the self-centered, selfish, greedy and corrupt politicians of all political parties particularly PPPP; as they have been in power at Sindh, Balochistan & Islamabad and blindly paving the way for the eventual division of Sindh   by abetting the division of Punjab merely to limit PML-N in south Punjab and deliberately giving free hand to their racist collation partners of Ganga Jamna to hold proxy rallies  in support of so-called Mohajir Sooba/province just to turn common Sindhis desperate, so that they may again cast votes for PPPP having assumed it their last resort. But due to their unbridled lust for power, PPPP is not ready to give a second thought to their too clever by half move, which is rather maturing the illegitimate Mohajir Sooba design.

 On the other hand the myopic & much greedy PML-N & Q from Punjab having tunnel visions intend to take the leverage by finding more ruling opportunities after the proposed division of Punjab; that's why they recently passed a unanimous resolution to carve out 3 (three) or even more Punjabs having different names (whatever they may be) exactly according to the script chalked out by those all 5th columnists and cunning/racist  infiltrators of Ganga Jamna. The proposed division of Punjab is in fact the corner stone laid for the divisions of other 03 provinces/entities particularly Sindh and Balochistan on the same grounds (laid for the division of Punjab) finally to dilute/subvert/undermine the genuine/ancient 4 nations/provinces question.

 However, even in case (as is expected) of the most probable staunch defiance of the genuine Sindhi, Pathan and Baloch nationalist forces against their divisions, the ulterior plan seems to be much more successful as they all could be controlled/handled/steered through Senate (having seats on the bases of parity for each entity of this federation and in divided units/provinces of Punjab with different names but the same rulers would definitely have a clear edge over other 3 un-divided provinces) at center/Islamabad.

 As soon as the above described ulterior agenda of the said 5th columnist vultures and racist alien hyenas of Ganga Jamna accomplishes, it wouldn't be short of erecting another worst sort of 'one unit' in both elaborated scenarios. Then who could deter the building of KALABAGH DAM, the new settlements and occupations of racist UPite mafia at Gawadar on the lines of KOLANCHI/Karachi and numerous other malicious designs.

 The said attempts of disturbing the classical pluralistic societies of the existing provinces (recognized in 1940s resolution) by coining pseudo-nations out of existing 4 genuine nations of this federation in order to dilute their national questions for the sake of creating Pakistani nation in haste; would be a sheer non-sense and opening Pandora’s box.

As far as pretence of administrative divisions is concerned, all the provinces are already divided in divisions, districts, thesils etc. So there is a dire need to execute the local govts. system in literal letter & spirit so that trickle down effect may work up to all far flung regions.

One should remember that this is a federation of remaining 4 nations having other ethnic & linguistic entities living side by side within all of them amicably for a pretty long time. Dividing anyone of them would be tantamount to start an uncontrollable chain reaction, which might end upon the dismemberment of this federation.

 Peace and prosperity could only be attained if the privileged linguistic, cultural, financial and political rights (promised in constitution) of all 4 provinces are given to them. This would lead all entities to forge into a single Pakistani nation through an evolutionary process and strengthen this federation as well.

 Diversity is the gift of nature in terms of beauty and inevitable to reign life, however doctoring or meddling in natural spontaneous/evolutionary orientations causes fear, insecurity, destruction and death...It was rewritten today ON THE WALLS OF SINDH by at least 11 martyred sons of Hoshu Sheedi warning all 5th columnists and racist UPite parasites that they won't let dare anyone even think to change the natural boundaries of Sindh however powerful exploiters' nexus may be...!

Though it is a universal message/lesson and source of inspiration for all Sindhis, Pathans, Balochs, yet ignorant Punjabis should learn something out of it; who forgot the path of Dulla, Ahmed Khan Kharal, Baghat Singh and Jabro...!