Thursday, October 25,2012:  Tehreek-e-Insaaf will introduce mother tongue as medium of instruction in Punjab if voted to power in next general elections.

The announcement was made by Imran Khan chief of Tehreek-e-Insaaf Pakistan while responding to a question put forward by Nazeer Kahut convener Punjabi Language Movement-Pakistan that interrupted his speech.  In his question Nazeer Kahut had asked Imran Khan whether Tehreek-e-Insaaf would end the 150 years old official ban imposed on the right of basic education in mother tongue in the province of Punjab if voted to power.  Imran Khan stopped his speech and diverted his attention to the Punjabi activist's question who stood in the packed hall in front of the Pakistani Canadians community and kept insisting an answer to his question.

Expressing his view point on the importance of the basic education in mother tongue Imran Khan said, PTI understood the importance of the issue, fully supported the cause and children right to the basic education in their mother tongue.  And for that matter the introduction of a uniform educational system ,planning was underway and on PTI's agenda too.  Imran Khan's response to Kahut's question was well received by the audience.  As by warmly clapping and raising slogans in support more than 2000 Pakistani Canadians present in the meeting endorsed and praised his views, bold and courageous stance and his clear cut understanding of the issue.

Nazeer Kahut convener PLM-Pakistan at the end of Imran Khan's public address while speaking with the members of the Punjabi Language Movement-North American Chapter present on the occasion expressed his full confidence in Imran Khan's commitment and said that he has no doubt about Imran Khans words as he is an outspoken ,fearless,sincere and ,honest leader and he would, beyond any doubt keep his word.

Press Release: issued by Punjabi Language Movement-North American Chapter
venue:Pearson Convention Centre,.Brampton(Ontario- Canada) 
Date:Thursday, October 25,2012


Listen to Imran Khan's remarks about Punjabi language starting at 00:52:33 in the following video: