APNA's English Articles About Punjab and Punjabi Page-1

APNA English Articles: Page-8 of 151

The Prophet in Punjabi

THE Muslim world is paying homage today to its Prophet (Peace be upon him) who revolutionized an extremely backward Arab society of the seventh century AD when even the western world was groping in the darkness. After the unprecedented ...

'Punjabi is a rare language oppressed

Harris Khalique is one of the most distinctive and promising voices to have emerged on the Pakistani literary scene in recent years. What distinguishes Harris from his contemporaries is his breadth of vision that transcends traditional poetic ...

Grierson on Punjabi

GRIERSON ON PUNJABI, Selection from the Linguistic Survey of India, edited by Lal Singh and Jit Singh Seetal, introduction by Ilyas Ghumman; pp 572; price Rs500 (hb); publishers, Institute of Punjabi Language and Culture, 24 Ameer Road,...

Hindustanis, Pakistanis Bhai, in the making

RAWALPINDI: The people of India want free interaction with the people of Pakistan. Gestures of friendship emanate from all whether they are Hindus or Sikhs, civilians or low-level officials. Many of them long for visiting Pakistan without facing ....

Language and politics in Pakistan

Academics play a very important role in all the civilised societies of the world. They are the people who tear down myths and solve the mysteries that stand in the way of the development of the society. The governments look for their guidance to ...

Language of the masses

Two months ago, Lahore was the host to writers and speakers of the language Of the land centred around this loveable and ancient city and lovers of the Punjabi language from fifteen other countries of the world. The venue was the quaint and....

Linguistic challenges in Pakistan (Part II)

These recommendations were very much at odds with those put forward by UNESCO in 1951: "... [F]or these reasons it is important that every effort should be made to provide education in the mother tongue... On education grounds we ...

Linguistic challenges in Pakistan (Part I)

The freedom movement of India, for the most part, received the staunch support and participation of its people. It was particularly strong and active in those areas where Hindus constituted the majority. Although its initial aim was to obtain freedom...

'State should not try to produce Ghalibs,

That language and politics are interlinked is a foregone conclusion especially in the South Asian context where Hidi-Urdu and Urdu-Bengali controversy are deemed by many as one of the determining factors in the region's troubled history of the last ...

Niether one-party nor one language rule

DR Zaheer Ahmad Siddiqi, registrar of the Government College, has very kindly taken note of a piece written by me about the introduction of Punjabi at master's level. Classes have not yet been started. Thank God, the registrar has, on behalf of . ...