At a time when social scientists claim that in reality, the ethical society is located in the West, it is time that it pays attention to what the Sikhs have done for the construction of that part of the world. The Sikhs came forward and helped the Europeans at the time of grave crisis of World War I and II and gave their lives in thousands and in return, all they are asking is the free world to come forward and give due respect that we deserve and to our symbols of faith.

The forces of British India played a major role in both World Wars. Nearly 1,700,000 men and women of the Commonwealth including some 169,700 from the forces of undivided British India died in the 1914-18 and 1939-45 Wars. In the first World War, the strength of the British Indian Army rose to one million and in the 2nd World War with two and half million. During WW-1, it fought in China, France and Belgium-Flanders at Ypres twice from 22 October 1914 till 31 October 1914 and from 22 April 1915 till 1st of May 1915, La Bassee, and Neuve Chapelle from 10 to 13 marches 1915, Auber's Ridge, Festubert, Loos 25 September 1915, Givenchy and Somme from July 1916 to November 1916. Mesopotamia against Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Palestine, Gallipoli and in East Africa.

The Royal Indian Marine whose ships were armed in 1914 served with the Royal Navy as auxiliary cruisers on escort duties and others as river gun boats in the Mesopotamia campaign or as coastal minesweepers. The Royal Indian Marine was also responsible for the fitting out and dispatch of the vessels conveying the expeditionary forces sent overseas from British India.

There are 15,519 Burial place ( Smaads ) of the British Indian soldiers and 64,963 are commemorated by Memorial thus total of 80,482 have died in Ist World War (1914-18) according to the register of Common Wealth War Grave Commission.

But I am sure there are many more British Indian casualties whose names were never recorded and who are by consequence not commemorated. I think this is due to the battle circumstances and perhaps poor administration. I give you some examples:

Mr. Dominiek Dendooven from the Documentary Center of In Flanders Fields Museum, Ieper (Belgium) wrote his account to me, in view of some historical facts that the Documentary Center has preserved regarding the Western Front.

"The losses of the 57th Wilde's Rifles and the 129th Baluchis were great during the last two days of October 1914 (during the 1st battle of Ieper). The Wilde's Rifles lost 300 out of 750, the Baluchis had 240 men killed, wounded or taken as POWs.

The Menon Gate in Ieper has the name of 15 casualties from the 47 Sikh Regiment while alone on 27 April 1915 (during the 2nd Battle of Ieper) out of 444 men 348 did not come back. They are nowhere else commemorated. Between 24th April and 1st May 1915, the Lahore Division had lost 3,889 men, or 30 % of the troops it had employed." In 14 months the Indian Corps had lost 34,252 men (dead, wounded, ill, or prisoners of war) on the Western Front."

Basra Memorial, Iraq has the largest 33,367 British Indian soldiers Commemoration by Memorial followed by Delhi Memorial, India Gate (12,321), Neuve Chapelle Memorial, France (5015) Amara (Left Bank) Indian War Cemetery, Iraq has the largest Burials (Smaads) of British Indian soldiers (5000) followed by Baghdad (North Gate) War Cemetery (2513) and Mazargues War Cemetery, France (1002)

In 2nd World War, a company of the Royal Indian Army Service Corps was part of the British Expeditionary Force in 1940 campaign which ended in the evacuation from Dunkirk (France). Divisions of British Indian Army fought in the Western Desert, in the Middle East, in Eritrea, Ethiopia, they fought in Italy at Cassino, Florence, Forli, Ravena, Sangro River and took part in the liberation of Greece. But against Japan in the east, British Indian Army played its greatest role right through from the reverses of 1942 to the final overwhelming victory of 1945.

Till 1945, the Royal Indian Navy was a strong force of 28,000 officers and men and took part in action in the Red Sea, the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, the Bay of Bengal and the Mediterranean, also in the combined operation of the coast of Sicily and Burma. Their role in transporting the armies and essential supplies even to the civilian populations cannot be forgotten.

Royal Indian Air Force played its role from the beginning of 2nd World War (1939) with one squadron and strength of 200 officers and men. It had grown by 1945 to strength of 28,500 and nine squadrons. It saw action throughout the Burma campaign. British Indian officers also served in the Royal Air Force in Burma, Europe and other theatres.

To honor 300 years of Khalsa and the sacrifice of Sikh soldiers during World Wars, the City of Ieper together with the European Sikh Community organized a Celebration of Peace on Sunday 4 April 1999 at Cloth Hall in Ieper, Belgium. Flt. Lt. Mohinder Singh Pujji, a pilot of Royal Air Force who took part in the European campaign was honored along with several living soldiers of World War II by Governor Paul Brijne of Inflanders Province. Flt. Lt. M.S. Pujji has stated, "I was posted to No.253 Squadron RAF, flying Hurricane IIB fighters from RAF Kenley, which is a couple of miles south of Croydon. We were a mixed bunch, with pilots also from Poland, America, Canada and Australia. Equipped with twelve machine guns, our hurricanes were extensively flown day and night, to intercept German bombers and reconnaissance aircraft."

There are 12,830 graves (Smaads) of the British Indian soldiers and 76,388 are commemorated by Memorial, thus total of 89,218 have died in 2nd World War (1939-45).

Delhi Memorial, India has commemorated 22,838 soldiers followed by Rangoon Memorial, Burma (19,661) and Singapore Memorial, Singapore (12,100). Taukkyan War Cemetery, Burma has graves (Smaads) of 1,819 British Indian soldiers followed by Imphal Indian Army War Cemetery, India (809) and Kranji War Cemetery, Singapore (668)

Engraved on the graves of Sikh soldiers is Ik Oankar Siri Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh Sanskare Gaye in Gurmukhi. Sepoy number, full name, name of the regiment, and date of death are all printed in block letters in English. These Smaads of the Sikhs can be found across Europe, Middle, South & Far East Asia and Africa. They are well maintained, cleaned, and decorated by Commonwealth War Grave Commission.

Similarly, most Hindu soldiers are Gorkhas, and engraved on their graves in Sanskrit are the words, Oom Bhagwattee Nammo. Rests of the particulars are the same. In the same way, our Muslims brothers have the holy words from Qur'an written in Urdu on their graves with all the particulars mentioned above.

India has the largest number of British Indian soldiers 49,285 Buried - Cremated and Commemorated on Memorials and other countries are: Iraq (43848), Burma (22,932), Singapore (13,556), France (8886), Egypt (8171), Italy (5773), Iran (3471), Tanzania (1990), and Turkey (1742).

As I said earlier that the actual number is much more than has been recorded by Common Wealth War Grave Commission. Research is needed by Government of west Punjab (Pakistan) and by Government of east Punjab (India) as most of the casualties are from united Punjab. Hence the recorded history of British Indian soldiers who died in both Wars is:

IST World War (1914-1918) = 80,482 2nd World War (1939-1945) = 89,218 Total: = 169,700 Besides this, more than quarter of a million were wounded, ill, or prisoners of war.

"In the last two world wars 83,005 turban wearing Sikh soldiers were killed and 109,045 were wounded. They all died or were wounded for the freedom of Britain and the world, and during shell fire, with no other protection but the turban, the symbol of their faith." (General Sir Frank Messervy K. C. S.I, K. B. E., C. B., D. S. O.) "The Sikh Regiment in the Second World War" Colonel F T Bird Wood OBE Published in Great Britain by Jarrold and Sons Ltd., Norwich Foreword by General Sir Frank Messervy K. C. S.I, K. B. E., C. B., D. S. O.

Most of the People in Punjab do not know that their forefathers, the Sikhs have fought gallantry in Europe including Italy in the 2nd World War and played an important role for the liberation of Europe and paid heavy price for the freedom of mankind along with Allied forces as part of the forces of the Commonwealth. The total Allied casualties killed, wounded and missing were 312,000; of these, 42,000 of the killed belonged to the forces of the Commonwealth in Italy. Sikhs, Gorkhas, and Muslims, the traditional warriors have a great history in Italy during that terrible and painful period of war.

It is interesting to note that in Italy, Sikhs are living in large number( about 90,000 ) next to England in Europe and have established more than two dozen Gurdwara's there.

A tradition has been set up that every year on the November 11 (Armistice Day 11 November 1918), hundreds of Sikhs are coming from throughout Europe to Ieper to take part in the Poppy parade and pay homage's at Menon Gate, the national monument of World War-I in Belgium and at Hollebeke where a monument has been built by Belgium Government and inaugurated by 'Panj Piare' in memory of the Sikh soldiers to mark the celebration of peace on 2,3,4 of April 1999 dedicated to the 300 years of the birth of the Khalsa. Official invitations are being sent to Gurdwara's of Belgium, Holland and France every year. Last year a delegation of the Sikhs working for the British Police also visited this place. Free meal (Langer) is also served on this occasion.

Graves (Samaads) are visited by the families of these soldiers from Punjab, Europe, Canada, USA, and Great Britain. Since 1999, on May 4, the liberation day of Holland, a strong delegation of Sikhs also pays respect in Amsterdam at the National Monument of 2nd World War at Dam square.

As you must be aware, in March 2004 a law was passed in France that bans conspicuous religious symbols and attire in the classroom. Under this law, Sikh schoolchildren are banned from wearing the Sikh turban. The same people who fought for the freedom of mankind and the world including France have been denied their right of freedom. They all died or were wounded for the freedom of Britain and the world, and during shell fire, with no other protection but the turban, the symbol of their faith. A Sikh's right to wear his articles of faith has been challenged in schools, the workplace, Prisons and other public places. Sikhs suffer increased harassment at airports because they wear the Turban. Sikhs can't have their photos with Turban on the Driving license, Identity Card including French Passport. Is not a shame on part of the French Government? Our forefathers did not give their lives that their children should suffer. This is a great unjust ice and Sikhs throughout the World, especially in France are fighting a legal battle. On 31 May 2006 Sikhs Lobby MEPs Against Turban Ban in France in the EU Parliament. And the fact that we cannot and will not ever compromise our faith.

The Sikhs came forward and had helped the Europeans at the time of grave crisis of World War I and II and gave their lives in thousands and in return we the Sikhs are only asking the free World to come forward and give due respect that we deserve and to our symbols of faith. Only then the sacrifices of our great forefathers, given for the freedom of mankind, will be worthwhile.

Bhupinder Singh Holland Almere,
11 September 2006
The Netherlands 


Casualties of INDIAN FORCES commemorated in FRANCE, WW 2. From the Database of The Commonwealth War Graves Commission.



Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

CHIRAGH ALAM, Jemadar, 14050. 35 Field Coy. King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners. 5th September 1943. Age 38. Son of Nek Alam, of Dalia, Gujrat, Pakistan; husband of Said Begum, of Dalia. Plot 2. Row 18. Grave 24.


Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

PURAN SINGH, Lance Daffadar, 1700. P.A.V.O. Cavalry (11th F. F.). Indian Armoured Corps. 2nd September 1944. Age 32. Son of Hira Singh, of Lauhke, Amritsar, India; husband of Gurdip Kaur, of Lauhke.


Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

NIHAL SINGH, Lance Naik, 22936. 1st Bn. 6th Rajputana Rifles. 16th June 1944. Age 23. Son of Har Nath and Mam Kaur, of Jhamola, Jind, India. Plot 1. Row H. Grave 11.


Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

DAYA RAM, Havildar, 44676. 1 Anti-Tank Regt. Royal Indian Artillery. 15th October 1944. Age 23. Son of Khem Ram and Moharli, of Achina, Jind, India; husband of Lali, of Achina.

CHOLOY WAR CEMETERY - Meurthe-et-Moselle

Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

FATEH KHAN, Sepoy, 27001. 22 Mule Coy. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 4th January 1941. Age 33. Son of Jawan and Sehado; husband of Nur Jan, of Makhichoha, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. 1. B. 1.

TIMBURE RAI, Cook (F/L.), 2nd Bn. 7th Gurkha Rifles. 11th May 1945. Age 17. Son of Bhojaput Rai and Pupalachi Raini, of Kuivir, Nepal. 1. A. 8.


Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

DASTUR, Pilot Officer (Pilot), RUSTOM NARIMAN, 12 ( R.A.F.) Sqdn. Royal Indian Air Force. 31st August 1941. Age 22. Son of Nariman Pestonji Dastur and Hoiabai Nariman Dastur, of Bandra, Bombay, India. H. 6.


Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

DOST MUHAMMAD, Sepoy, 49149. 22 Mule Coy. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 6th November 1941. Age 33. Son of Fazl Dad and Sharf Nur; husband of Walayat Nur, of Nalajang, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Column 155.

KARAM ILLAHI, Groom, 57117. 22 Mule Coy. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 7th June 1945. Age 52. Son of Nawaris Khan and Hayat Nisam; husband of Hassan Jan, of Mughal, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Column 156.

LAL, Sepoy, 26193. 22 Mule Coy. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 6th May 1944. Age 38. Son of Ahmed Khan and Hashmat Bi; husband of Akbar Jan, of Nara Sayedan, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Column 155.

MUGHAL KHAN, Farrier, 24527. 22 Mule Coy. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 23rd December 1943. Age 55. Son of Badli and Mangali; husband of Fateh Begum, of Baglian, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Column 156.

MUHAMMAD IBRAHIM, Blacksmith, 22005. 22 Mule Coy. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 28th January 1943. Age 31. Son of Khizar Din and Husain Bibi; husband of Ghulam Fatma, of Wazirpura, Sialkot, Pakistan. Column 156.


Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

ABA CHAWAN, Lance Naik, 21683. 2nd Bn. 5th Mahratta Light Inf. 11th May 1944. Age 32. Son of Ramchandra Chawan Partnally Ashni of Belgaum, India; husband of Kondibai, of Nandi Wes, Miraj, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

AJMER SINGH, Sepoy, 16828. 4th Bn. 11th Sikh Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 21. Son of Inder Singh and Har Kaur, of Laihra Khana, Ferozepore, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

AMAR SINGH, Sepoy, 16852. 4th Bn. 11th Sikh Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 22. Son of Badan Singh and Uttam Kaur, of Manupur, Ludhiana, India; husband of Dalip Kaur, of Manupur. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

ARUL DAS, Naik, 17495. 9 Field Coy. Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners. 11th May 1944. Age 24. Son of L. P. John and Susai Mari, of Bangalore Cantonment, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

ASAL BAHADUR LIMBU, Rifleman, 7016. 2nd Bn. 7th Gurkha Rifles. 11th May 1944. Age 17. Son of Dil Bahadur Limbu and Mota Limbuni, of Yangname, Nepal. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

BABU SINGH, Sepoy, 21384. 2nd Royal Bn. 11th Sikh Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 27. Son of Chanan Singh and Kishan Kaur, of Maur, Patiala, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

BAGH ALI, Driver, 52378. 22 Mule Coy. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 18th May 1941. Age 30. Son of Sardar Khan, of Arrar, Jhelum, Pakistan. Row 1. Grave 70.

BAKHTAWAR SINGH, Sepoy, 17320. 4th Bn. 11th Sikh Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 26. Son of Tela Singh and Sobhi, of Sahauran, Ambala India; husband of Prem Kaur, of Sahauran. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

BHAGWANA, Sweeper, GSF/477. Indian General Service Corps. 11th May 1944. Age 36. Son of Phagwa and Kokan, husband of Shanti, of Kahnaur, Rohtak, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

BHIM BAHADUR RAI, Rifleman, 2909. 1st Bn. 7th Gurkha Rifles. 11th May 1944. Age 18. Son of Parti Man Rai and Goptiful Raini, of Parmejung, Nepal. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

BISNEY, Lance Naik, K M, SR/172897. 205 Detail Issue Depot. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 11th May 1944. Age 28. Son of Merwanji and Dhan Baiji, of Bombay, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

BUA DITTA, Havildar, 247. 19 Field Amb. Indian Army Medical Corps. 11th May 1944. Age 18. Son of Ranua, of Goal, Gurdaspur, India; husband of Kamar Pati, of Goal. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

CHHOTU RAM, Sowar, 6591. 2nd Royal Lancers, I.A.C.. 11th May 1944. Age 30. Son of Phulu and Mam Kaur, of Daryapur, Rohtak, India husband of Kamlo of Daryapur. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

DALIP SINGH, Cook, 66. 4th Bn. 11th Sikh Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 37. Son of Ganda Singh and Uttami, of Giganwal, Hoshiarpur, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

DALIP SINGH, Sepoy, 16540. 2nd Royal Bn. 11th Sikh Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 23. Son of Kehar Singh and Harnam Kaur, of Kaunke Ludhiana, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

DALIP SINGH, Sepoy, 16567. 4th Bn. 11th Sikh Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 21. Son of Gurbachan Singh and Harnam Kaur, of Tehna Faridkot, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

DANNA SINGH, Sepoy, 16149. 2nd Royal Bn. 11th Sikh Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 22. Son of Milkhi Singh and Kahno, of Bhitti Wala, Ferozepore, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

DIGH RAM, Rifleman, 19095. 4th Bn. 6th Rajputana Rifles. 11th May 1944. Age 24. Son of Subh Ram and Siriyan, of Chandeni, Jind, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

GANGA SINGH, Sowar, 3340. Prince Albert Victor's Own Cavalry (11th F.F.), I.A.C.. 11th May 1944. Age 26. Son of Risaldar Jiwan Singh and Narayan Kaur, of Ruriwala, Amritsar, India; husband of Santo, of Ruriwala. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

GHANAIYA SINGH, Sepoy, 16529. 2nd Royal Bn. 11th Sikh Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 21. Son of Chanan Singh and Jai Kaur, of Jasiwal Sarawan, Ludhiana, India. Row 1. Coll. grave

GHULAM AHMAD, Sepoy, 18441. 4th Bn. 10th Baluch Regiment. 15th July 1944. Age 24. Son of Muhammad Khan and Fatma Bibi, of Sada Chak, Gujrat, Pakistan. Row 1. Grave 67.

GHULAM HUSAIN, Havildar, 9263. 3rd Bn. 10th Baluch Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 35. Son of Jiwan, of Kallar, Jhelum, Pakistan. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

GOPAL SINGH BISHT, Rifleman, 9489. 3rd Bn. 18th Royal Garhwal Rifles. 11th May 1944. Age 21. Son of Chimar Singh, of Kami, Garhwal, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

GURDAS SINGH, Sapper, 40918. Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners. 11th May 1944. Age 30. Son of Ishar Singh, of Jhin Fran, Jullundur India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

HANUMANTHA, Sweeper, 759. Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners. 11th May 1944. Age 47. Son of Rama and Lakhamma, of Tumkar, Mysore, India; husband of Lakhamma, of Mashanhalli, Bangalore, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

HARIBA SUROSHI, Havildar, 3393. 3rd Bn. 5th Mahratta Light Inf. 11th May 1944. Age 30. Husband of Savitrabai, of Anjani, Kolhapur, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

INDAR SINGH, Sepoy, 16521. 2nd Royal Bn. 11th Sikh Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 23. Son of Kundha Singh and Kishan Kaur, of Deon Khera, Ferozepore, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

INDRA DHOJ RAI, Rifleman, 6483. 2nd Bn. 7th Gurkha Rifles. 11th May 1944. Age 19. Husband of Chaturmaya Raini, of Dipli, Nepal. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

JAGIR SINGH, Sowar, 4174. Prince Albert Victor's Own Cavalry (11th F.F.), I.A.C.. 11th May 1944. Age 24. Son of Santa Singh and Har Kaur, of Jethuke, Ludhiana, India; husband of Gur Dayal Kaur, of Jethuke. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

JAI PAL SINGH, Havildar, 12604. 3rd Bn. 12th. Frontier Force Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 29. Son of Labh Singh and Balwant Kaur, of Kamoke, Gujranwala, Pakistan; husband of Amar Kaur, of Kamoke. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

JAWALA SINGH, Sepoy, 19646. 2nd Royal Bn. 11th Sikh Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 25. Son of Harnam Singh and Partap Kaur, of Mustafabad, Patiala, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

JODHA RAM, Daffadar, 1587. 21st King George V's Own Horse (Central India Horse), I.A.C.. 11th May 1944. Age 39. Son of Ganga Ram and Phulan, of Chauki Kankari, Kangra, India; husband of Bias Devi, of Chauki Kankari. Row 1. Grave 71.

JOGINDAR SINGH, Sepoy, MT/915235. 32 Field Amb. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 11th May 1944. Age 22. Son of Sardar Singh and Rajawanta, of Ambra Kalan, Gujrat, Pakistan. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

KALYAN SINGH BHANDARI, Lance Naik, 5444. 3rd Bn. 18th Royal Garhwal Rifles. 11th May 1944. Age 33. Son of Kalian Singh and Indra, of Kandai, Garhwal, India; husband of Paruli, of Kandai. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

KARAN BAHADUR THAPA, Naik, 7124. 2nd Bn. 4th Prince of Wales' Own Gurkha Rifles. 11th May 1944. Age 33. Son of Bikram and Gomata, of Bhakunde, Nepal; husband of Kausila, of Bhakunde. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

KARTAR SINGH, Sapper, 47. King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners. 11th May 1944. Age 16. Son of Dhian Singh and Biro, of Tajpur, Ludhiana, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

KHEM SINGH, Havildar, 9017. 2nd Royal Bn. 11th Sikh Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 34. Son of Basant Singh, of Khillerian, Jind, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

LACHHMAN SINGH, Naik, 14156. 3rd Bn. 12th. Frontier Force Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 26. Son of Sundar Singh and Bholi, of Nathuwal Jadid, Ferozepore, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

LAL MUHAMMAD, Cook, 8. 4th Bn. 16th Punjab Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 45. Son of Ali Bakhsh, of Bhopatpur, Gunda, India; husband of Haliman, of Bhopatpur. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

MARDAN ALI, Naik, 11726. 4th Bn. 10th Baluch Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 32. Son of Gaman Khan and Basso, of Dhok, Rawalpindi Pakistan; husband of Nekan Bibi, of Dhok. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

MIAN KHAN, Daffadar, 2013. 13th Duke of Connaught's Own Lancers (Watson's Horse). 11th May 1944. Age 33. Son of Latif Khan and Begum Jan, of Surgul, Kohat Pakistan; husband of Nimjan, of Surgul. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

MUBARAK KHAN, Sapper, 21907. 35 Field Sqn. King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners. 1st November 1944. Age 23. Son of Waris Khan and Bhag Bhari, of Manihala, Jhelum Pakistan. Row 1. Grave 68.

MUHABBAT SHAH, Driver, 172835. 22 Mule Coy. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 11th May 1944. Age 33. Son of Karam Husain Shah and Gulab Khatun, of Sayyed Kasran, Rawalpindi, Pakistan; husband of Bashir Fatma, of Sayyed Kasran. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

MUHAMMAD AFSAR, Gunner, 48455. 2 Anti-Tank Regt. Royal Indian Artillery. 11th May 1944. Age 19. Son of Raj Wali and Dana Bi, of Ghikbadhal, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

MUHAMMAD SARWAR, Naik, 11673. 3rd Bn. 1st Punjab Regiment. 11th May 1944. Husband of Misri Jan, of Bagga, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

MUHAMMAD YAQUB KHAN, Lance Daffadar, 6615. 2nd Royal Lancers, I.A.C.. 11th May 1944. Age 31. Son of Safdar Khan and Nur-un-Nisan, of Jitwa, Rae Bareilly, India; husband of Jamilan Nisan, of Jitwa. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

MUNIRA, Water Carrier, GSF/395. Indian General Service Corps attd. 2nd Bn. Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. 11th May 1944. Age 41. Son of Hira; husband of Amirti, of Mausubdaran, Dholpur, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

MUNSHA SINGH, Havildar, 8615. 4th Bn. 11th Sikh Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 36. Son of Bhup Singh and Jahli, of Khidpur, Hoshiarpur, India; husband of Ram Kaur, of Khidpur. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

MUSHTAQ ALI, Sepoy, O/70836. 23 Ordnance Mobile Workshop Coy. Indian Army Ordnance Corps. 11th May 1944. Age 18. Son of Rajab Ali and Suha Bibi, of Shahpur Sadiar, Shahpur, Pakistan. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

NAUBAT SHAH, Rifleman, 18070. 4th Bn. 13th. Frontier Force Rifles. 15th July 1944. Age 23. Son of Said Rakhman and Zargula, of Arkhai Kalai, Kohat, Pakistan. Row 1. Grave 66.

PANDU DALVI, Sepoy, 9206. 3rd Bn. 5th Mahratta Light Inf. 11th May 1944. Age 23. Son of Sundrabai, of Perid, Kolhapur, India; husband of Balkabai, of Perid. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

PURAN SINGH, Sapper, 43760. Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners. 11th May 1944. Age 21. Son of Bhol Kaur, of Bhoj Mazra, Ambala, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

SALIM MAKHMAD, Naik, 13508. 4th Bn. 10th Baluch Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 31. Son of Sayid Wali, of Sanda, Mianwali, Pakistan; husband of Masida. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

SALINDAR SINGH, Sepoy, 30841. 3rd Bn. 8th Punjab Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 19. Son of Mangal Singh and Basant Kaur, of Kakkar, Amritsar, India. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

SARWAN SINGH, Sapper, 12650/K. 41 Field Coy. Indian Engineers. 11th May 1944. Age 19. Son of Chhaja Singh, of Burajwala, Ambala, India; husband of Gurdayal Kaur, of Burajwala. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

SHAH NIAZ, Sepoy, MTN/903734. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 11th May 1944. Age 23. Son of Bhag Shah and Fatima Bibi, of Tibbi Sayedan, Jhelum, Pakistan. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

SHER WALI, Sepoy, 17194. 4th Bn. 11th Sikh Regiment. 11th May 1944. Age 18. Son of Raj Wali and Jallan, of Ratuchha, Jhelum, Pakistan. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

UDA SING ALE, Rifleman, 9349. 2nd Bn. 8th Gurkha Rifles. 11th May 1944. Age 24. Son of Dila Ram and Dhani, of Sirdanra, Nepal. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.

ZAHUR KHAN, Sapper, 6778. 35 Field Coy. King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners. 11th May 1944. Son of Nur Khan and Pir Bi, of Ranika, Gurgaon, India; husband of Sugri, of Ranika. Row 1. Coll. grave 1-65.


Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

MARRIOTT, Lieutenant, PETER, Royal Indian Navy Volunteer Reserve. 15th January 1946. Age 28. Son of William and Lois Anna Marriott, of Richmond, Surrey. Plot 10. Row A. Grave 11.


Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

BHIRAJ RAM, Lance Naik, 509382. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 30th August 1944. Age 29. Son of Khayabi Ram and Sirdari, of Lodhesar, Hissar, India; husband of Hardai, of Lodhesar. Grave 8.

DARSHAN SINGH, Sepoy, MT/898809. 3 Motor Bde. Transport Coy. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 1st September 1944. Age 22. Son of Khushal Singh and Shankri, of Khanpur Sahote, Hoshiarpur, India husband of Ram Piari, of Khanpur Sahote. Grave 7.

HUKAM CHAND, Lance Naik, 12088. 3rd Bn. 9th Jat Regiment. 7th August 1944. Age 24. Son of Pahlad Singh, of Sindhui Khera, Jind, India; husband of Rukman, of Sindhui Khera. Grave 19.

NAWAB, Cook, GSF/1971. Indian General Service Corps. 17th February 1944. Age 28. Son of Channu, of Lal Kurti Bazar, Sialkot, Pakistan; husband of Karim Bibi, of Lal Kurti Bazar. Grave 9.

RAMJI LAL RAM, Rifleman, 21040. 4th Bn. 6th Rajputana Rifles. 18th September 1944. Age 21. Son of Chirmal and Jawatri, of Behramda, Bharatpur, India. Grave 18.


Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

ATAR SINGH, Gunner, 44674. 2 Bty. 1 Anti-Tank Regt. Royal Indian Artillery. 15th May 1944. Age 21. Son of Puran Singh and Patori, of Barsana, Jind, India; husband of Murti, of Barsana.

BAPU MORAWALE, Sepoy, 10338. 2nd Bn. 5th Mahratta Light Inf. 16th July 1944. Age 24. Son of Vithoba, of Walve, Kolhapur, India.

DIP CHAND, Sepoy, 12869. 3rd Bn. Jat Regiment. 17th March 1944. Age 21. Son of Hari Singh, of Mahmudpur, Delhi, India.

MAHADEO SHINDE, Sepoy, 10363. 2nd Bn. 5th Mahratta Light Inf. 9th October 1944. Age 22. Son of Babaji and Sundarabai, of Kalkawadi, Ratnagiri, India.

NIWRUTI BABAN, Sepoy, 14924. 2nd Bn. 5th Mahratta Light Inf. 7th August 1944. Age 22. Son of Ramu, of Shipur Taluka, Satara, India.

SARDAR SINGH, Sepoy, 16777. 4th Bn. 13th. Frontier Force Rifles. 25th July 1944. Age 24. Son of Sawan Singh, of Buttar, Gujrat, Pakistan.


Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

ALI AFSAR, Signalman, A/7989. 10th Indian Div. Sigs. Indian Signal Corps. 19th August 1943. Age 21. Son of Qutab Zaman and Nur Nishan, of Nara, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Sec. 18. Plot 1. Row C. Grave 1.

HAYAT ULLAH KHAN, Ambulance Sepoy, 95760. 3 Indian Motor Bde. Indian Army Medical Corps. 12th September 1941. Age 21. Son of Fateh Khan, of Rangla, Poonch, Kashmir; husband of Gulzar Begum, of Rangla. Sec. 18. Plot 1. Row D. Grave 5.

JATAN SINGH, Lance Daffadar, 6984. 2nd Royal Lancers, I.A.C.. 21st December 1943. Age 24. Son of Kushal Singh and Jaran Bai, of Chalkoi, Rajgarh (Bikaner), India. Sec. 18. Plot 1. Row D. Grave 2.

MIR ZAMAN, Bootmaker, 177395. 22 Animal Transport Coy. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 29th January 1944. Age 34. Son of Iman Bakshh and Ban Bi, of Tamair, Rawalpindi, Pakistan; husband of Karam Jan, of Tamair. Sec. 18. Plot 1. Row D. Grave 4.

SHAH NIWAZ, Sepoy, 8391. 4th Bn. 16th Punjab Regiment. 2nd January 1943. Age 31. Son of Allah Ditta and Said Bibi, of Gurah, Rawalpindi, Pakistan; husband of Karam Nur, of Gurah. Sec. 18. Plot 1. Row C. Grave 2.

SULTAN MUHAMMAD, Pioneer, 85378. Indian Pioneer Corps. 24th January 1944. Age 30. Son of Amir Ali and Hayat Bi, of Hurna Maira, Poonch, Kashmir; husband of Gulab Jan, of Hurna Maira. Sec. 18. Plot 1. Row D. Grave 3.


Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

GHULAM RASUL, Rifleman, 22919. 1st Bn. 6th Rajputana Rifles. 3rd November 1943. Age 23. Son of Muhammad Ali and Rakhim Jan, of Chak No. 7 Janubi, Sargodha, Pakistan.

MIR ALAM, Sepoy, 172826. 22 Animal Transport Coy. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 3rd November 1943. Age 29. Son of Phinu Khan, of Nar, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.


Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

ALI MUHAMMAD, Sapper, 14600. 35 Field Sqn. King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners. 23rd September 1943. Age 36. Son of Fateh Din and Sahib Ji, of Sultanpur, Jhelum, Pakistan; husband of Amina Bi, of Sultanpur. 13. 6. 2.

SAMUNDAR KHAN, Driver, 27154. 22 Mule Coy. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 11th August 1943. Age 33. Son of Fateh Din, of Nar, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, husband of Ajaib Jan, of Nar. 13. 6. 1.


Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

RAMZAN BEG, Sapper, 21564. 31 Field Coy. King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners. 3rd July 1942. Age 24. Son of Jamal Khan, of Chandaur, Hazara, Pakistan; husband of Bibi Manzaria, of Chandaur. 2. 40. 8.


Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

GUL AFTAB, Lance Naik, 173578. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 12th May 1940. Age 26. Son of Amir Alam Khan and Moshan Bibi, of Kilan, Poonch, Kashmir; husband of Mati Jan. of Kilan. Plot 14. Row E. Grave 16.

MANGI SHER KHAN, Sepoy, 178016. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 12th May 1940. Age 22. Son of Mehr Khan, of Gahlan, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Plot 14. Row E. Grave 17.

MUHAMMAD ZAMAN, Driver, 27673. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 12th May 1940. Age 38. Son of Mian Nathu and Hasan Bi, of Manglura, Rawalpindi, Pakistan; husband of Sultan Begum, of Manglura. Plot 14. Row E. Grave 18.

SARWAR KHAN, Naik, 28815. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 12th May 1940. Age 35. Son of Madat Khan and Chanan Jan, of Bheryan, Hazara, Pakistan; husband of Akbar Jan, of Bheryan. Plot 14. Row E. Grave 19.


Commonwealth War Dead 1939-1945

AKBAR KHAN, Groom, 175471. 32 Animal Transport Coy. Royal Indian Army Service Corps. 2nd May 1940. Age 24. Son of Muhammad Azam, of Taviya, Rawalpindi, Pakistan; husband of Muhammad Bi, of Taviya. Row F. Grave 24.

SOURCE : COMMONWEALTH WAR GRAVES COMMISSION, MEMORIAL REGISTER. COURTESY : Mr. Jerry Gee OBE, Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Northern Europe Area.