By Dr. Muhammad Sami Punjabi

For the last couple of weeks since the CM & PM of this federation openly showed their will of dividing Punjab to carve out so-called Saraiki province out of it, a flood of junk of articles and debates having distorted and fabricated history of Punjab on both official and apparent un-official ‘state controlled’ print and electronic media has been witnessed, which tempted me to respond on face book so that point of weaker side might be aired with having no edition. In this regard among the whole writers and debaters, the article Published in an Urdu daily newspaper ‘JANG’ written by Nazeer Leghari having the title ‘SARAIKI SOOBA, LOK RAWAYAT SAY JANG NAY HO SAKTEE’ was chose to respond because the writer seems to be one of the spear headers of establishment backed movement. The writer’s vague name recalled in my memory as soon as I saw his photograph on the top of the said column, as couple of days earlier while surfing on different TV channels, I saw him in a programme on the Balochistan issue having the guests Mir Hasil Bazenjo, the handsome & energetic Baloch leader Hayr Bayar Marri as well. Besides anchorperson, the said columnist was trying his utmost to tame the smart, young, uncompromising rather defying Hayr Bayar Marri airing his simple and straightforward demand of emancipation from the subjugation of ‘Pakistani/Punjabi establishment’. The beseeching way of Nazeer Leghari before unambiguous Hayr Bayar in order to make him agree upon to struggle for Baloch nation’s rights while living within the fabric of Pakistani federation went futile in spite of his numerous attempts to gain/win respect of Hayr Bayar by portraying him to be a Baloch among one of the majority of Baloch tribes, settled in D.G. Khan including the majority of Baloch TAMANDARS; it was literally amusing as at the same time the mercenary columnist was advocating the national rights of a coined Saraiki nation having declared himself along with D.G. Khan to be the part of proposed so-called Saraiki province consisting upon a large chunk of other divisions of Punjab. This paradox of so-called proxy Saraiki nationalist movement launched by the racist Urdu speaking infiltrated mafia’s controlled ‘Pakistani/Punjabi establishment’ is nothing short of a disgusting joke.

It should be kept in mind that numerous ethnic Iranian, Turk, Arab, Pathan & Baloch tribes, who migrated to Sindh and Punjab centuries ago, assimilated in the respective cultures and due to the awareness and adore of Sindhis for their language, land and culture; in spite of huge economic disparity not only its occupied Urban regions with the rural areas but also a pretty intra and inter inequality among haves and have-nots in rural regions, yet none of ethnic Baloch tribe or individual ever dared to declare himself/themselves to be a separate entity in Sindh. The classical examples of which are Lasharis, Magsis (particularly the famous Sindhi nationalist Dr.Qadir Magsi, though an ethnic Baloch, yet having no doubt whatsoever in his mind to be introduced as Sindhi as once he said in his interview to daily Jang), Legharis, Jatois, Talpurs, and running President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari; in spite of their Baloch ethnicities all of them proudly introduce them as Sindhis. Besides numerous other ethnic Baloch and Afghan tribes of Sindh, majority of Talpurs and Zardaris even speak ‘Saraiki’ at their homes, but assume/declare themselves to be the integral part of Sindhi nation and the stooge writers like Nazeer Leghari have to surrender before the said powerful Sindhi nationalism. However, the same Nazeer Leghari sort of dwarfs apply an entirely different yardstick for a ‘sitting duck’ in terms of Punjab keeping in view its vulnerability due to the repentance of Punjabi elite & masses belonging to every class towards their mother tongue/language and culture, which provides enough room/space to the mercenaries such like Nazeer Leghari to fabricate, distort and concoct history of Punjab in order to coin pseudo-nations within Punjabis. The tug of war between a son of soil ‘JAT’ Ranjeet Singh and an Afghan/Pathan Muzaffar Khan Sadozai/Durrani has been painted in such a perfidious way as if an encounter between ‘KUFAR’ & ‘ISLAM’ had taken place. The treacherous depiction of Nazeer Leghari and his fraternity, has always been based upon the psyche of the readers particularly Muslims (Punjabis) living in the land of five rivers, this federation and sub-continent; who have been inculcated with the misleading notions of religion (Islam) and (abstract Pakistani) nationalism through state designed curricula and controlled media that as though all the Muslim rulers, warriors, expansionists and invaders, who invaded or ruled in sub-continent, were the holy warriors and vice versa. UPites cultivated the said psyche in Punjabis through Urdu having imposed it over Punjab overnight on the whim of English rulers far before the division of Indian sub-continent, which forged the Muslim Punjabis minds to assume Urdu a holy language, which eventually caused Punjabis to massacre, dishonor & displace millions of own Punjabis due to the misguided UPite versions of religion. It caused the sudden eruption of religious riots at Punjab in 1947 as soon as the division of Punjab (rather Indian sub-consequent) was promulgated. Conversely, all Punjabi Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Christians, Atheists etc; who had been living side by side amicably for centuries having no religious conflicts whatsoever, dishonored, raped, butchered, displaced and dislocated each other. The imposition of an alien language (Urdu) against all the accepted set principles across the world worked more than fuel, which had been expected in terms of sowing the seeds of hatred and reaping the crop of intolerance, bigotry and fanaticism to date.

Though it is believed that attainment of absolute objectivity is impossible, yet the good historians, political analysts and writers are supposed to be those, who try their utmost to do so while narrating any event, which reveals their mindset and cadres their integrity as well. Now if one goes through the said column of Nazeer Leghari, it plainly reflects the distortion & exaggeration of events by highlighting only side of picture, which clearly shows his biased approach and malicious agendas. For instance, describing the event of sending troops under the command of ‘DEWAN BEHWANI DAS’, he speaks the mind of Ashiq Muhammad Khān Durrani by portraying it an inspiration of ‘DEWAN BEHWANI DAS’ from Muzaffar Khan Sadozai’s hospitality and friendly attitude. However, at the same time numerous other historians write that ‘the Maharaja sent Dewan Moti Ram, Hari Singh, Nalwa, ‘DEWAN BEHWANI DAS’, Peshawaria and other sardars, against Multan, with a large force, to enforce the payment of tribute from its ruler in January, 1817. Nawab Muzaffar Khan, its ruler, was not easily agreeable to make the payment. The Sikh forces besieged the town and having negotiated over a handsome ransom, returned to Lahore. Shortly after this Muzaffar Khan began to correspond with the English in Calcutta…In 1817 a seventh incursion was made under Bhawani Das, who was, however, compelled to raise the siege and when the army reached Lahore, the Maharaja placed Bhawani Das in confinement, besides imposing on him a heavy fine. Though Maharaja had many reports against Bhawani Das, at the time Ranjit Singh had disregarded these stories; the most serious being that in 1817 the hunchback had taken money from Nawab Muzaffar Khan to call off the siege of the fort of Multan, but as soon as Diwan Amar Nath accused Bhawani Das of receiving a bribe of Rs. 10000 from Nawab Muzaffar Khan, Ranjit Singh had to penalize him…’.

As far as the false claim of unscrupulous Nazeer Leghari & his group regarding the inclusion of Multan for the very first in Punjab after the death of Muzaffar Khan Sadozai is concerned; an English historian, L.Griffin in his book title ‘Ranjit Singh and the Sikh barrier between our growing empire and Central Asia’ writes, “Multan was ruled by an Afghan family as Nawabs of the royal blood since 1738, at the time of Nadir Shah Invasion. With some intervals between 1771 and 1779, by the Bhangi/Sikh Sirdars, who were finally ousted by Timur in 1196(1781) and in the last named year, Muzaffar Khan Sadozai was appointed as governor.”

E. J. Brill's first encyclopedia of Islam 1913-1936 further discloses that “it was the same Timur Shah, who held important posts under his father, such as Nizamship of Lahore and Multan, which is marked by a distinct series of coins (Contrary to the lies of Nazeer Leghari and company, here it is clearly described that Lahore and Multan had simultaneously been governed by a single ruler). At the time of Ahmed Shah’s death he was at Herat, and only obtained possession of Kandahar after seizing and executing his brother Sulaiman, who had been set up as his rival. He soon moved his capital to Kabul, and reigned uneventfully for twenty years, during which monarchy declined steadily in strength and stability, although externally it remained unimpaired. The authority of the central govt. over the outer provinces was precarious. The Sikhs grew in power and took Multan in 1196(1781), but Timur Shah retook it the same year.” These above described historical truths by the both reputed foreign historians that, ‘Multan had been ruled prior to Ranjeet Singh by other Sikh rulers and has been the part of Lahore administration as well’, speak volumes against the contemporary master twister Nazeer Leghari’s untrue claim.

E. J. Brill exposes the pan-Islamism of Durranis by adding that, “In Sindh the feudatory Kalhoras were overthrown and replaced by Baloc (Baloch) emirs of the Talbur Tribe (commonly called Talpurs), who waged successful war against Timur Shah’s generals from 1197 (1782) to 1201 (1786), and remained independent, although they accepted a nominal suzerainty until Timur Shah died in 1207(1793) and was succeeded by his son Zaman Shah, who reigned till he was dethroned by his brother Mahmud Shah in 1215 (1800). Short as his reign was he was able to concentrate in it crimes and follies enough to wreck the Durrani Monarchy. Although weakened at home by the rivalry of his brothers Mahmud and Shudja-al-Mulk, threatened in Khorasan by the Kadjars and in the north by Shah Murad Mangit, and in the south defied by the khan of Kalat and the emirs of Sind, yet he could not refrain from wasting his strength in foolish attempts to rival Ahmed Shah’s conquests in India, and to pose as the champion of Islam against Sikhs and Marhrattas.” It further obviously deduces the thrust of cruel Sadozais/Durranis/Afghans/Pathans for power, who killed own bloody relations for the sake of that and consistently intruded in the affairs of other states as well through their incursions into Punjab, Sind, Turkistan and Kashmir in order to establish their proxy governments.

E. J. Brill further describes the internal brutal conflicts of Sadozais/Durranis/Afghans/Pathans for their hunger of power, rule, and sense of superiority over other nations by elaborating that, “This brought Zaman Shah into collision with the English now rapidly becoming the ruling power in North India. His first invasion 1209(1795) was cut short at Hasan Abdal by the news that Agha Muhammad Kadjar had captured Meshed and murdered the blind old Shahrukh. Having been appeased by an embassy from the Persian king he began a second invasion of India, which was interrupted by the rebellion of Mahmud at Herat. Having defeated this rising he invaded the Pandjab (Punjab), and this time reached Lahore and received the nominal submission of the Sikhs, now headed by Randjit Singh, but the Kadjar encroachments in Khorasan again called him back. Mahmud meanwhile led a wandering life intriguing with disconnected persons in Herat and Kandahar. Among these was the powerful leader of the Barakzai clan, Painda Khan, known by the title of Sarfraz Khan, who was jealous of the authority wielded by the vizier Wafadar Khan. The conspiracy was detected and Painda Khan was executed. His son Fath Khan fled to Mahmud in Khorasan and induced him to throw himself on the sympathy of the Durrani tribe with whom Zaman Shah was unpopular (Zaman Shah’s mother was a Yusufzai while Mahmud’s was a Popalzai Durrani). This advice was justified by the result. Mahmud obtained possession of Kandahar while the infatuated Zaman Shah was preparing for another invasion of India. Mahmud Advanced on Kabul and Zaman fled, but was soon captured and blinded (1215=1800). Simultaneously with Mahmud’s accession at Kabul Shuja-ul-Mulk proclaimed himself king at Peshawar. He was assisted by a Ghalzai rising against Mahmud and in 1218 (1803) he took Kabul, imprisoned Mahmud and released the blind Zaman Shah, his own whole brother. For a time Kandahar was held by Mahmud’s son Kamran supported by Fath Khan, but the late made terms for himself and submitted, but discontented with his position almost immediately set up a rival king Kaisar Shah son of Zaman. The next few years were occupied by constant intrigues. Fath Khan changed rapidly from pretender to another, sometimes supporting Mahmud and Kamran, sometimes Kaisar while Shuja-ul-Mulk dissipated his strength in expeditions Sind and Kashmir. Finally Fath Khan who was now supporting Mahmud, defeated Shuja-ul-Mulk at Nimla (1224=1809). He fled into India, and Mahmud’s second reign began. He was however absolutely dependent on Fath Khan, whose power became very great. His brother Dost Muhammad held high office, another brother Muhammad Azam became governor of Kashmir, and another Kohandil governor of Kandahar. Herat which had become independent under another prince was reconquered by Fath Khan and Dost Muhammad in 1232 (1816). Soon afterwards Dost Muhammad incurred the enmity of Kamran, who had become governor, by entering his harem and insulting his sister. He fled to Kashmir and Kamran took his vengeance on Fath Khan whom he blinded and afterwards killed with the consent of Mahmud. Although perfidious and unscrupulous Fath Khan was greatly admired by the Afghans, and his brother Dost Muhammad had no difficulty in raising a large force and defeating Mahmud in 1235 (1818) near Kabul. Mahmud lost Kabul which he never recovered. He held Herat till his death in 1245 (1829), and Kamran continued to rule there he was murdered in 1258 (1842). The Barakzai chiefs held the rest of the country, but ruled in the name of the various puppet kings of the Sadozai family, such as Aiyub and Sultan Ali (who took the name of Sultan Mahmud on his coins). But the outer provinces of the empire were rapidly lost. The Sikhs took Multan in 1233 (1818), Kashmir in 1235 (1819), Dera Ghazi Khan in the same year and Dera Ismail Khan in 1236 (1821). Peshwar long resisted them under Sultan Muhammed, but it too fell in 1250 (1834). The emirs of Sind threw off the last sign of Afghan rule by taking Shikarpur, and Balk north of Hindu-kush was lost also. Dost Muhammad therefore became the ruler of a compact Afghan kingdom; the loss of the outlying provinces, which had always been a source of weakness to the Sadozai kings, tended to consolidate his power. Although without scruples of any sort in attaining his ends, he yet had the reputation of a just man and was popular among the Afghans who will forgive any defect in strong ruler. His rule no doubt contrasted favorably with that of all the kings since Ahmed Shah. His progress was checked by the inevitable rivalries of his brothers. He made Kabul his capital, while Kohandil Khan held Kandahar.” 

While narrating the rise of native Sikhs/Punjabis against the incursions of Afghans/Pathans in their land of five rivers, L.Griffin elaborates the events in detail by narrating that, “Afghan/Pathan Muzaffar Khan Sadozai was sporadically attacked by both Sikhs and the other neighboring native tribes, Sials and others. Having paid time and again a large sum of (Tax) money directly or indirectly through Sardar Fateh Singh Kalianwala or even enforcibly by Phula Singh, in order to retire Ranjit Singh from war. Nawab Muzaffar weary of war, vainly tried to induce the English to take him under their protection. But this the British govt. declined being remote and beyond the sphere they then desired to influence.” The reason behind doing so was obvious as the Durranis’ rule even in their motherland (Afghanistan) was declining.

L.Griffin adds, “Meanwhile Ranjit Singh met the Afghan Shah Shuja at Khushab, and the exiled Monarch wished the Sikhs to take Multan and make it over to him. Muzaffar Khan had, in 1803, repulsed the attack of the Shahs troops and, in the hope of conciliating him, had more than once offered him an asylum to Multan, but Shah Shuja wished to obtain the city and province as his own by conquest. Ranjit Singh treated the weak-minded prince with great respect, but, failing to obtain any money (in terms of tax) from him, determined to take Multan on his own account. Till June 1817, two large breaches had been made in the walls, for the great Bhangi gun, the Zamzama of Ahmed Shah, had been brought from Lahore, and had been four times fired with effects. Through numerous assaults by the Sikhs, with the loss of 1800 men, the gates were blown in, but the garrison raised behind them mounds of earth on which they fought hand to hand to Sikhs. The defenders of the fort were at length reduced to two or three hundred fighting men, most of them of the tribe or the family of Muzaffar Khan. The rest had either been killed or had gone over to the enemy, for they had been heavily bribed to desert their master. At length the Sikh forces, mounted the breach at the Kizri gate. Here, the old Nawab, with his eight sons and all that remained of his garrison, stood, sword in hand, resolved to fight to the death. There died the white-bearded Muzaffar Khan, scoring to accept quarter, and five of his sons. A sixth was wounded severely in the face, and two accepted quarter and were saved. Few of the garrison escaped with their lives, and the whole city was given up to plunder. The fort of Shujahabad was also reduced and five guns taken from it. After this the walls of Multan were repaired, a garrison of six hundred men were placed in the fort, and the Sikh army returned to Lahore.”

In the above two famous foreign historians’ narrated events, one having unbiased approach could easily infer that besides fighting with each other to seek power at their capital in Afghanistan; Afghans/Pathans/Durranis attacked on different regions and not only fought with each other outside of Afghanistan but had to face challenging opposition of natives in each region of Sindh, Balochistan, Turkistan, Kashmir and Punjab. Neither the said fierce clashes between Durranis/Aghans/Pathans; and their encounters with Kalhoras of Sind, Kadjars of Khorasan; in north by Shah Murad Mangat; in south khan of Kalat and emirs of Sind be termed as the battles for Islam nor the battles between Nawab Muzaffar Khan Sadozai either with his own Sadozai Afghan/Pathan Shah Shuja or with the native Sikhs, Sials & others in Punjab could be declared as the battles for the defense of motherland having been painted the said Afghans/Pathans as the sons of the soils of Punjab, Sind, Balochistan, Turkistan, Khorasan etc; however they rather invaded, occupied, plundered and ruled on others motherlands…didn’t they??? On the other hand not to speak of Muslims (Sials of Jhang) even the non-Muslims (for instance Sikhs, Hindus, Christians etc.) of the said occupied lands/regions (of Punjab) could merely be condemned due to their faith or resistance against occupation…could they be??? Above all for the sake of an argument even if it is assumed that the foreign Afghan invaders absorbed in the local codes of language and culture and turned the part of any local native nations (Sindhis, Punjabis, Balochs etc.), yet any honest historian having maximum objective approach would never decide/narrate the historical events by merely observing the race, ethnicity and faith of individuals and avoid to capitalize from an ordinary reader’s pre-decided approach/inclination/inducement based upon/towards his own race, ethnicity, faith or notions. Therefore, in the later assumed case, the battles between Ranjit Singh and Nawab Muzaffar Khan Sadozai could simply be considered as the similar battles fought among the native Durranis/Afghans/Pathans in Afghanistan for the sake of power. Keeping in view the Khawaja Ghulam Fareed, Baba Fareed, Shah Hussain, Sultan Bahoo, Waris Shah, Bulla, Mian Mohammad Buksh have been based in all the parts/regions of the land of five rivers (Punjab) from Chacharan Shrif/Kot Mithan (near Multan, at the base camp of Muzaffar Khan Sadozai) to Lahore (the headquarter of Ranjeet Singh) up to Rawalpindi and beyond that having no difference in their language whatsoever. Even Shah Hussain, who was claimed to have been migrated from southern Punjab and settled at Lahore, didn’t find any problem or render the services of interpreter to impart his message in terms of poetry with the Lahoris or the masses living in the Proximities of Lahore.

             At the twilight of Durrani empire terming an outsider Afghan/Pathan Muzaffar Khan Sadozai’s occupation over a province (Multan) of the Uni-geographical, linguistic & cultural land of five rivers (Punjab) in his last ditch attempts against the sons of the soil (Sials to Jats/Sikhs) in order to retain his de facto rule, is literally amusing. As in a counter argument while quoting the numerous direct & indirect conflicts (in terms of aide to own Britisher masters) of Nawab of Bahawalpur (a semiautonomous princely state at the disposal of Britishers) with Afghans in 1878-80, if anyone like Nazeer Leghari from southern Punjab declares the said Afghans’ to be the heroes, would it be accepted or tolerated by the sons of soil of Bahawalpur??? However, the Britishers gave the status of Bahawalpur State Forces as ‘Imperial Service Troops’ and their placement at the disposal of the British for use in emergency with the permission of Nawab of Bahawalpur. Resultantly, the services of Bahawalpur State Forces for their British Masters at Egypt, Palestine, East Africa, Mesopotamia and even at Balochistan against Marri and Khetran Baloch Tribesmen in 1918 & in May 1917 to January 1918 and against Afghan (Mahsud) tribesmen were rendered. So who among the Bahawalpur State Forces & Balochs and Afghans would be the hero for Nazeer Leghari sort of writers??? As Nazeer Leghari & his squad know well enough that even in March 1941 at Malya against Japanese and in the result of imprisonment on 15th Feb 1942 due to British surrender, an ethnic Afghan Mahmood Khan Durrani was awarded the ‘George Cross’ for displaying outstanding courage, loyalty and fortitude during the harsh and brutal Japanese imprisonment not to speak of those un-announced rewards conferred among Baloch TAMANDARS of Deras (whom Nazeer Leghari implied towards and advocated in the above quoted TV programme regarding Balochistan in order to convince inflexible Hayr Bayr Baloch by proving himself along with TAMANDARS as one of the stake holders of Balochistan on top) and Pirs & Makdooms of south Punjab for their faithfulness by their British masters.

            Nazeer Leghari and his counterparts know well more than enough than anybody else that hearts can never ever be won on the barrel of gun rather it is the thrust of knowledge, its acme blessed by Almighty and transparent character of sages like Shah Lateef, Sachal Sarmast & Sheikh Ayaz in Sind Rehman Baba in Pashtoonkwa; Mir Gul Khan Naseer, Banok semok, Mulla Fazul, Mast Tawakali in Balochistan and Khawaja Ghulam Fareed, Shah Hussain, Baba Fareed, Sultan Baho, Waris Shah, Pir Mehr Ali Shah, Mian Mohammad Buksh, Bulla including numerous others in the land of five rivers, Punjab; who won the hearts of thousands and whosoever sought asylum in the respective lands/regions, all saints addressed the folks in their own languages rather in any alien language. So Nazeer Leghari should know that Shah Hussain, who had exactly the similar dialect as Khawaja Ghulam Fareed had, addressed the masses of central Punjab without any interpreters help and won the hearts of many. Though numerous alien languages had always been imposed by the rulers to set their hegemony, yet those languages couldn’t appeal to the general masses or leave any impact over them. Nazeer Leghari and his establishment stalwarts could never ever dare to object over the Afghan, Baloch, Kurd, Arab, Turk etc. ethnicities absorbed in Sindh, Pakhtoonkwa or Balochistan and now are the integral part of those nations in spite of speaking entirely different languages having completely different origins. For instance in Balochistan, from Mir Asim Kurd Gallo an ethnic Kurd to an ethnic Afghan CM Aslam Raisani, Kahtrans, Mengals, Jams, Marris, Magsis, Zehris, Bugtis and many others are all no doubt the integral part of Baloch nation and is a classical example of a Baloch pluralistic society despite having absolutely different languages, origins and ethnicities, living happily side by side for centuries. In Pashtoonkwa instead of quoting numerous examples just if we see the origin of one of the largest tribes, Afridis, they are ethnically Asiatic Turks having a peculiar dialect not only within northern Pashtoonkhwa but the Pashto of Mehmood Khan Achakzai in southern Pashtoonkwa is also having a difference of miles with that of Asfand Yar Wali Khan’s Pashtoo. Similarly in Sindh, a vast majority of several ethnic Afghan and Baloch tribes including the columnist’s own tribe Leghari are the integral part of Sindhi nation in spite of having difference of ethnicities and languages from Sindhi to ‘Saraiki’ and so on so forth (excluding Urdu, as it is not the native language; however Nazeer Leghari breaks an hilarious news in his said column by being the mouth piece of 9-0 while sitting in Karachi, against the ground realities ‘that the racist Urdu speaking mafia is gradually getting amalgamated with Sindhis’ and wrongly depicts them as the part of Sindhi nation, however racist Urdu speaking mafia doesn’t own Sindhi language by abandoning Urdu to prove their integration in Sindhis by this single obligatory act). But as soon as Nazeer Leghari along with his other dwarf pseudo-intellectual writers enters in the land of 5 rivers, his parameter/benchmark changes and he starts giving ethnic Afghan, Baloch settled in south Punjab including all the same tribes/BARDARIES spread across the land of five rivers (Punjab), a new term/title ‘SARAIKI’ since 1962 through fabricated, distorted and concocted history, which has been exposed in above elaboration and with the establishment’s designed stamp he and his gang start punching every asset in terms of land, language, saints of Punjab with the so-called coined term of Saraiki. However, it is an established fact that a vast majority of researchers including foreigners (with the exceptions of just 1 or 2); declared the new term ‘Saraiki’ as Lahanda, and called it one of the established standard dialects of Punjabi. The said findings could easily be observed while travelling in the remote villages of Rajan Pur, Dera Ghazi Khan, Sadiqabad, Rahim Yar Khan, Bahawalpur, Multan, Jhang, Mianwali, Sargodha, Lahore, Sheikhpura, Faisalabad, Bahawalnagar, Vehri, Jhelum, Gujrat, Rawalpindi and beyond of that, that in order to hold conversation an illiterate persons belonging to anyone of the said regions of Punjab doesn’t need the help of any interpreter whatsoever and could very easily figure out and make other understand each others’ views even up to the Hazara division and the Pahari, Gojri speaking areas in Kashmir. It is because there isn’t any difference between Khawaja Ghulam Fareed, Baba Fareed, Waris Shah, Shah Hussain, Bulla, Sultan Bahoo, Mian Mohammad Buksh, Pir Mehr Ali Shah, Sain Ahmed Ali Peshawari, Sain Ghulam Din Hazarvi and many other saints’ (Punjabi) language, as far as its fundamental dos and don’ts are concerned, yes there is a beautiful diversity among them as far as dialects are concerned. If Nazeer Leghari sort of writers/columnists/journalists get worried over the legitimate wrath of the nationalists of Balochistan, Pashtoonkwa and Sindh, they shouldn’t underestimate the dignity and solidarity of the sons of Khawaja Ghulam Fareed, Baba Fareed, Waris Shah, Shah Hussain, Bulla, Sultan Bahoo, Mian Mohammad Buksh, Pir Mehr Ali Shah living in the land of five rivers (Punjab). Instead Nazeer Leghari sort of columnists while sitting in the cradle of 9-0, should advise their powerful masters to shun the superiority complex and own Sindhi language and culture in its actual letter and spirit by abandoning an alien language (Urdu), which was one of the root causes for the emergence of Bangladesh…wasn’t that???

            Who denied that any particular region in any one national entity/province of this province shouldn’t be developed on the principle of parity??? But those, who actually have mostly been ruling on TAKHT-E-LAHORE & TAKHT-E-ISLAMABD till today, have been responsible for the said deprivation, and they should rather be blamed. The yardstick used for other provinces, should be used for all ethnic Baloch, Afghan, Jat, Arian, Rajpoot, Gujjar and other tribes, who have been living across the Punjab from Sadiqabad, D.G.Khan to Attock and beyond. So instead of intimidating rulers and downtrodden Punjabi masses by implying towards the dud so-called Saraiki literature of some 5th columnists based upon hatred and created through an engineered process at the behest of establishment through its controlled print and electronic media in terms of so-called Saraiki channels projecting sham myths day and night vis-à-vis Punjab just to divide it; Nazeer Leghari and his mercenary mafia of 5th columnists should study the holy scripture of Sikh Punjabis, Garanth Sahib; in which couplets (ASHLOKS) of Baba Fareed are the vital part of it because all the saints of the land of five rivers spread the message of peace and love as love begets love and hate begets hate. Otherwise, I may ask Nazeer Leghari to go through the numerous Balochi, Sindhi and Punjabi Phrases like ‘Khade peeta lahe da… Baki Ahmed Shahe da’ (Whatever you eat is yours, the rest belongs to Ahmed Shah), which declare Ahmed Shah Abdali a pirate and infiltrator or the contemporary couplets of a son of Punjab that,



            Genuine folk literature could never hate own folks rather it hates the incursions, encroachers, invaders, and their abettors…whether they belonged to Afghanistan or Ganga Jamna..!