APNA's English Articles About Punjab and Punjabi Page-1

APNA English Articles: Page-71 of 151

An Explorer of the arts of Architecture

BOMBED: A Moonlight Sonata – Exhibition by Saranjit Birdi. Herbert Gallery & Museum Coventry England 18 June to 3 July 2011. The show explores the Coventry Blitz (code named ‘Moonlight Sonata’ ...

Great musical genius K. L. Saigal

LEGENDARY artiste K. L. Saigal reached the pinnacle of his career without any formal training. He is a shining example of how talent, passion and ceaseless practice are essential ingredients for success in singing ...

A wonder called Madan Mohan

Madan Mohan, a Kohli from Rawalpindi, was born in Iraq and spent his childhood and youth in Rawalpindi before taking up an army commission. He resigned his army post and became a programme executive,...


TO publish special issues of literary journals is an old tradition. A lot of literary journals are famous for their special issues, such as Naqoosh of Muhammad Tufail, Fanoon of Ahmad Nadeem Qasimi, ...

Division of Any National Entity

It clearly seems that the establishment's efforts to undermine the genuine 4 nations (Sindhis,Pashtoons,Balochs and Punjabis) question by creating pseudo nations within them one after another, are about to produce fruit with,...

The farce of new provinces

Robert. L. Stevenson once said, “Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary.” Too bad Stevenson died long ago or else he would have seen his words coming true in Pakistan. ...

MF Husain (1915-2011)

 Easily the most iconic artist of modern India, Maqbool Fida Husain passed away in London on 9 June 2011. Husain was born in 1915 in Pandharpur, the famous temple town in Maharashtra. Bereft of his mother’s presence since. ...

Review of Punjabi Novel “ Skeena ”

Every so often an important novel is written, enriching the canon of Literature of Punjabi. Skeena , a novel by Fauzia Rafique is one of those. initially released in Pakistan, available only in Shahmukhi script. It was released in. ...