APNA's English Articles About Punjab and Punjabi Page-1

APNA English Articles: Page-6 of 151

Theatre of love and freedom

Huma Safdar, an art teacher in Lahore Grammar School, has put her skills and beliefs into staging fine Punjabi plays with high school girls. She has inculcated a pride for language and literature among the English-speaking elite chips-and-coke...

Looking for its roots: Punjabi language

Punjabi is classed as one of the Indo-Aryan languages. Three theories are commonly held about the Indo-Aryan languages: 1) Sanskrit developed from the Vedic language, and its rules of grammar were formulated by Panini that maintained ...

Winds of change: Punjabi literature in 2003

While surveying Punjabi publications of the year 2003, it is hard to ignore a noticeable positive change in the prevailing adverse environment for Punjabi language in Pakistan. Since Punjabi language has been deprived of any official patronage,...

Promoting Punjabi language

No one can deny the role of the native language in the spread of education and information in a society. It is one's native language, or mother tongue, that nurtures the basic abilities of a child and helps him grow according to the norms and traditions of the society. ....

Ranjit Singh: more secular than religious

THE Indian government has refused to permit the Sikhs to visit Pakistan to celebrate traditional Besakhi festival in Lahore where their only political hero, Ranjit Singh, became Maharaja in 1802 at the age of 22. Incidentally, Besakhi in the Punjab took...

Some aspects of Punjabi poetry

Punjabi poetry of pre-modern times has widely attracted the lovers of poetry in South Asia as well as the countries abroad. Its sufism has been its much distinctive feature, and its roots in the soil of Five Rivers has also given it a geo-cultural relevance....

Early Punjabi poetry rich in content

When I went to attend a function on Punjabi poetry arranged by the Lahore Arts Forum in the Model Town Library last Thursday, I prayed to God that it was not about modern Punjabi poetry. It is just unfortunate that I have hardly ever seen anything worthwhile ...

Two hundred years later

Waris Shah is much misquoted and misunderstood as a poet but the scholarship needed to separate chaff from his poetic grain may not be in the offing at all Most of the people, who thronged to the annual urs of Waris Shah last week at Jandiala...

Is mother-board an alternative to mother-tongue?

No less a person than the doyen of Pakistani letters, Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi, himself has raised his voice in support of Punjabi language. In one of his recent newspaper columns, he has come down heavily upon those in the positions of authority ...

Inayat Husain Bhatti's contribtution to music

ON May 31, 2000, death laid its icy hands on yet another singer, whose contributions to Pakistani music, especially its folk tradition, had been widely acknowledged. Bhatti, who also contributed significantly to the development of the theatre and Pakistani. ...