APNA's English Articles About Punjab and Punjabi Page-1

APNA English Articles: Page-53 of 151

Nirupama Dutt: Lal Singh Dil

How is one to remember Lal Singh Dil? The literary status of Dil in the world of Punjabi literature was never disputed and he is often described as the poets’ poet. Punjabi poet Surjit Patar says: “He will be counted as one...

Brooding by the Border

(This story was written in the Summer of 1997)The border outpost of Wagah today is a honeymoon destination, its greatest attraction being the daily beating retreat ceremonials watched by thousands from both sides of the divide. ...

Bano Bazaar Chaat in Lahore's Anarkali

The subject in the message of my mailbox was “Bano Bazaar Chaat”. The sender was some Tauheed. What could it be? I could not recall the name Tauheed. Was it some advertisement or some new “chat” group misspelled,...

The Girl from Rawalpindi

The road is certainly leading to Lahore. What with the premiers of the two countries only too eager to hitch the inaugural joy ride to and fro. The past fifty and one years, it has been the lure of Lahore which has haunted the nostalgia. ....

Romance of the Chenab

THE Chenab is the largest of the five rivers of Punjab and also the most rapid. It is picture pretty with low but open banks that are still well wooded. Perhaps its scenic beauty contributed to the three love-legends of the land that ...


Punjab  the land of the Sufis , the land  where its Heer,  Sahiban, Sohni  , not to mention  Dani Jatti , all  female characters and the list goes on and on,   make the folk lore...

Taraz: A fresh voice in poetry

First the pain comes through; in its train comes resistance. The pain of dislocation. Of carnage all around. Of precarious existence. Then comes an unanticipated turn. Of hope. Of promise. Of fulfillment. Here is poetry ...

Birth Centenary 1909–2009

Mohinder Singh Randhawa, a great Punjabi, was born on 2 February, 1909 at Zira in district Ferozepur, Punjab. His ancestral village was BoNđlaaN ਬੋਂਦਲ਼ਾਂ in Hoshiarpur district. He joined the Indian Civil Service in . ...

Letter to Editor

THIS is apropos of Manzoor Chandio’s letter, ‘A case for Seraiki province’ (June 27). Those non-Seraikis or settlers who are rightly proud of their contribution to the prosperity of the Bahawalpur state disagree with the writer.. ...