APNA's English Articles About Punjab and Punjabi Page-1

APNA English Articles: Page-39 of 151

Eulogising Punjab

Saeed Ahmad's work displayed at the Nairang Galleries in Lahore, is a rendition of the artist's physical environment; Punjab's flatland, golden fields, hills swathed with the deep green of virgin land, and its people and wildlife. ..

National language tangle

THE theory of Pakistani nationhood being promoted by the establishment has had far-reaching consequences for the country's political, social and cultural milieus. It is argued that we are the followers of one religion (Islam),...

The power of two

The geographical location of the two Punjabs is such that cooperation between them can bring India and Pakistan closer to each other.TRIVIDESH Singh Maini believes that despite the passage of 60 years, and the bitter memories of the carnage,...

Punjab holocaust of 1947

Intelligence about private armies and sale and movement of arms and ammunition had been collected by the Punjab administration since a long time, and the fact that a very large population in Punjab had served in the army should have left no. ....

Negotiations on Punjab–1947

The Punjab governors, Sir Bertrand Glancy (from April 7, 1940 to April 7, 1946) and Sir Evan Jenkins (April 8, 1946 to August 14, 1947) had been warning repeatedly that if India was partitioned, the partition of Punjab would become ...

A celebration of spirituality

LAHORE: The air of Kasur gets misty with melodious Kafis (short poems) of Bulleh Shah every year, when a 3-day celebration of Bulleh Shah’s Urs commences in Kasur. On the last day of the Urs, devotees from all across the country throng...


Dr Afzal Shahid is a physicist by profession but a prolific writer of Urdu and Punjabi poetry. He has written more than half a dozen books of verses and all that by sitting in Atlanta (Georgia). After a PhD in physics and a short ...

Shaminder’s Cravings for Duets

There are very few gramophone discs recorded in the voice of Shaminder. Bhai Shaminder Singh hailed from a wealthy landlord family of Muktsar, a historic town in Southern part of East Punjab. Shaminder was fond of decent music from.....

The battle for Lahore and Amritsar

Large-scale rioting in the undivided Punjab subsided from March 14, 1947, onwards, but enough blood had been spilled not to let the Punjab return to normality. Lahore, Amritsar, Multan and Rawalpindi witnessed harrowing scenes of inhumanity. ...

‘Love, not knowledge leads to God’

LAHORE: Famous Sufi poet and saint Bulleh Shah has conveyed message of secularism and to understand his message one needs to understand history, culture and civilisation of the time, said Academy of Adbiyat director Qazi Javed...