Staff Reporter


Source: Dawn

LAHORE, Aug 16: The Punjab government is establishing a separate department for the protection of cultural heritage in the province and repair/renovation of historic buildings.
Chief Minister Pervaiz Elahi said this at a reception he gave to local and foreign archaeologists attending a cultural week being held at the Fort on Wednesday.

The chief minister informed the guests that the government was implementing a Rs1.25 billion project relating to the revival of cultural identity of Lahore and to make it world tourism attraction.

He said the cooperation from the private sector regarding the protection of historic monuments in Punjab would be welcomed. Huge funds, he said, had been spent on the repair of the Fort after taking over its possession from the federal government that prompted the Unesco to recommend its removal from the list of endangered monuments.

He said fruits of social reforms introduced by the government had started reaching people. Marked changes had been brought about in health, education and other sectors as a result of such reforms.

Efforts being made to promote art and culture would highlight national identity.