By Staff Reporter


Source: The News

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Dr Sher Afgan Niazi said on Tuesday proposals to bifurcate the Punjab, upgrade divisions into provinces and appointment of governor-general were under active consideration of the government in order to ensure autonomy for the provinces.

Talking to journalists at the Parliament House, Afgan said the government was considering several options with reference to provincial autonomy. “The Concurrent List was to be abolished after 10 years of implementation of the 1973 Constitution, but it is yet to be done away with. Now, it should be abolished so that (the issue of provincial autonomy) could be resolved,” Afgan said.

“It is a matter of regret that the provinces have started giving statements against each other. This is a dangerous tendency,” he cautioned. The government, he said, is reviewing all the bills, including the one presented by Abdul Mujib Peerzada of PPPP.

Replying to a question about the possible division of Punjab, he said the proposals to divide the country’s most populous province into two parts, besides upgradation of every division to the status of province and the appointment of governor general were all being considered.

He said that the government wanted maximum autonomy to the provinces. “If need be, the government will bring amendments to the Constitution in this respect. All the political parties will be taken into confidence on this matter,” he concluded.

The proposed plan

* Two-part division of the province

* Upgradation of divisions into provinces

* Appointment of governor-general