APNA's English Articles About Punjab and Punjabi Page-1

APNA English Articles: Page-28 of 151

Mother Tongue Education and the Health

Of the estimated 6,500 languages in the world today it is reckoned that the majority will cease to exist within fifty years or so. In the history of the world, languages have always come and gone, but in the present time there...

Poetic Olympia Revisited

SOM P. Ranchan is a notable literary figure in north-west India. By now he has penned over four dozen of books in different genres that include poetry, fiction, folklore, literary criticism and mythcartography...

The forgotten master

ASK anyone in Punjab about Bhai Ram Singh and you would invite blank stares, even in Amritsar, where there should be good reasons to remember him. He was the man who designed Khalsa,...

Ten years of seeing, studying Punjab

Over 140 international scholars from over 58 universities and 10 countries have studied Punjab, its history, geography, culture, political economy and religious traditions, in a unique programme that marks its 10th year now. ....

Waris Shah Comes Alive

Music OF Punjabi film ‘Waris Shah Ishq Daa Waaris’ realesed in Chandigarh. The movie is due for release on 29th September. Chief Minister Amarinder Singh has exempted this film from tax ...

Guru Nanak`s last abode comes to life

LAHORE, Sept 24: After about six decades the Gurdwara Kartarpur in Narowal where Baba Guru Nanak breathed his last has been restored completely and opened to a greater number of followers,...

Save other anniversaries from the fate

In spite of apology rendered by Congress party about the unconfirmed date of Vande Matram centenary, the controversy generated by non-existent centenary of Vande Matram refuses to die down. Now BJP has come out with Gazette ...

Peace activists for easing visa curbs

LAHORE, Sept 16: In a discussion on `visa and nuclearfree South Asia here on Saturday, renowned Indian and Pakistani intellectuals and peace activists highlighted threats to peace due to the policies of New Delhi and ....

To Amritsar and back

IT was on Independence Day this year when a group of Pakistani lawmakers, businesspeople, media persons and NGO workers were invited to Amritsar by the South Asia Free Media Association’s India chapter. . ...

Crossing over

Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), in collaboration with Ajoka Theatre, performed a play featuring a visa-free and nuke-free South Asian Convention. The play started an hour late and the hall was sold out. . ...