APNA's English Articles About Punjab and Punjabi Page-1

APNA English Articles: Page-26 of 151

Sikhism is eco-friendly

The uniqueness of identifying gurdwaras with common Punjabi trees is unprecedented. Even the Gurbani refers to various species of trees, which are useful to mankind....

PAL published record books last year

ISLAMABAD, Aug 20: The record of literary output of the nation’s writers’ during the year 2005 have been documented in a set of three books, Kitabiyat Pakistani Adab, Pakistani Adab (poetry) and Pakistan Adab (prose) ...

Separate dept for cultural heritage: CM

LAHORE, Aug 16: The Punjab government is establishing a separate department for the protection of cultural heritage in the province and repair/renovation of historic buildings. ,...

Poet of mysterious images

KARACHI: Heralded as the poet of fresh and rather mysterious images, Muneer Niazi is no more with us, but his amazing and thought-provoking poetry will never die down. ....

The language conundrum

THE government is once again about to experiment with the education system in Pakistan. The federal education minister, Lt Gen (retd) Javed Ashraf Qazi, a former ISI chief, has now announced a revised schedule for the ...

Village on the Wave Rural Punjab in Turmoil

THE physical environs of most of the villages in Punjab are changing fast. The peasant proprietor living within the thirty kilometer radius of big town thinks only in terms of millions no less. The steep rise in land prices has opened up new ,...

We never used the word love

The immortal words in which noted Punjabi litterateur Amrita Pritam once described her relationship with Imroz, a man much younger and a partner for over four decades...

Beauty queens celebrate Panjabiyat

Ludhiana, December 18: FOR some it was a dream come true and for others, the opportunity of a lifetime. But then at the end of the day, it was love for Punjabi culture which...


THREE areas of colonial Lahore were the stormcentres of literary activity during the thirties and the forties. They were Gowalmandi and its adjoining streets, Anarkali and The Mall When Lahore started expanding during the colonial period. ...


The sky is over-cast and a slight drizzle has begun to fall.   A tentative breeze shakes the bare branches of the trees.  It is the height of winter season and very, very cold.  Now the clouds and rain have added that extra chill to the air. ...