By Sataff Report

Daily Times October 20, 2014

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KARACHI: Special Assistant to CM Sindh for Culture and Tourism Sharmila Faruqi said that Sindh is an institution of Sufism.

Sufism pleaded for peace, solidarity and fraternity among all nations, communities and individuals and respect to all the people of the world. The message of Sufism “love all and hate none” should be circulated all over the world. This she said while addressing the international Sufi conference Mast-e-Alast 2014, organized by Culture Department government of Sindh at local hotel Karachi.

She informed that the conference intends to bring together Islamic scholars, Sufi masters, Poets, Musicians and academics who, through lectures, discussions, workshops, Dhikir circles and Sema will provide the audience an understanding of Sufism and its core teachings of tolerance, love, brotherhood among the humans applicable today.

The conference called for the promotion of human rights, fundamental freedom, equality between men and women, reconciliation, tolerance, fraternity and universality.

Etsko Schuitema, Dr Sahibzada Farid udin Qadri, Dr Mohammad Usman Al Haqqani, Sahibzada Ghulam Farid Sabri, Akhter Dargahi,Qari Khalid Usman Alvi, Attiya Khan, and other local and international Philosophers, Teachers, Scholars from Turkey, Iran, Germany and other countries attend the conference.