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Writings Submitted by Visitors of APNA Web




It was nothing but my tear

Who put the time in gear

Quenched in the day

By shown mystic fear

But, over flown at night

Like the fane of bear !

And, for breaking my alone

At least gloom was to cheer

The reason for this tear

Was a word of my dear

Who is far away like Sun

Who was extremely near !    

How to Submit your Writings for Publication


This section on APNA is created for publication of 'selected' writings submitted by the visitors of APNA web page. You can now submit your writings for publication, as follows: (a) Punjabi poetry (b) Punjabi Short Stories (c) Punjabi or English Articles on: Punjabi literature, criticism, Punjab's history and culture, art, music, film and other media. You may submit your writings in English or in Punjabi (either in Gurmukhi or in Shahmukhi script).

1. Shahmukhi writings must be composed in InPage and sent as an InPage file.

2. Gurmukhi writings must be sent in an attached file, not as text on the e-mail itself. They must be typed in Anmol Lippi Gurmukhi font. Files typed in any other font will not be accepted. Anmol Lippi font can be downloaded from this web page: http://www.sikhzone.net/down_fonts.php

3. English writings must be sent as a Microsoft Word document.

All the submissions will be reviewed by competent editors. We will let you know if your submission was selected for publication or not. Please send your submissions to: apna@apnaorg.com with a subject line "For Publishing on APNA Web Page." Please click on the menu selections in the left column to read Gurmukhi, Shahmukhi and English submissions that we have published so far.