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How they Suffered : World War One & its Impact on Punjabis
Amarjit Chandan
Dublicate Pages like Paper-61
Agrarian Change in the Canal Colonies, Punjab, 1890 - 1935
Indu Agnihotri
Role of Sir Chhotu Ram in Punjab Politics
Prem Chowdhry
Christians in the Socio-Political Development of Pujab
Simon Kalladayil
Amrita Sher-Gil
N Iqbal Singh
The Aftermath of Partition for Lahore and Amritsar 1947 - 1957
Ian Talbot
Bulleh Shah in Punjabi Poetic Tradition
Rakshat Puri
The Heart Divided: A Post Colonial Perspective on Partition
Mohammad Ayub Jajja
Agro-Economic Development and Socio-Political Change in Multan (1849-1901)
Abida Kausar Chuadhry, Humaira Arif Dasti, PhD
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