
Classical Poets: Baba Farid - 1/3

Farīduddīn Mas'ūd Ganjshakar commonly known as Baba Farid was a 12th-century Sufi preacher and saint of the Chishti Order of South Asia. Baba Farid is generally recognized as the first major poet of the Punjabi language, and is considered one of the pivotal saints of the Punjab region.

This videowas created to explain the importance of Baba Farid's legacy and the significance of his poetry. This material is copyrighted but can be used with the permission of WichaarWebcast.

Production: MagicSpaceNine

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QonGcLzRSVw
Videos of Manzur Ejaz
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