October 14 ( Bharatsandesh news
Professor A.S. Brar, Vice-Chancellor of Guru Nanak Dev
University, Prof. Raghbir, Dean, Academic Affairs & Registrar,
Faculty members, Students, Teachers' Association, Officers'
Association and Non-Teaching Employees Association of the Guru
Nanak Dev University condoled and expressed their deep sorrow over
the sudden demise of Dr. Jatinderpal Singh
Jolly, Professor, School of Punjabi Studies of the University. In
a condolence meeting, Prof. Brar said that sudden death of Dr.
Jatinder Pal Singh Jolly, a has created a great void in the
University as well as literary field, which can not be fulfilled.
Dr. Brar said that the University would remain grateful to
the services of Dr. Jolly. He said that
his contribution towards the development of University, research
work and books published by him in the field of literature and
religion is providing guidance to the teachers and scholars.
Meanwhile, teachers, research scholars, students and
employees of School of Punjabi Study expressed their grief. Prof.
Dharam Singh, Head of the Department said Dr. Jolly was a good
researcher and eminent poet. He said among his contributions, his
works on Gurmat and Pakistani literatature was the prominent one.
He was known both in India and Pakistan for transliterating
Pakistani Punjabi Literature from Shahmukhi to Gurmuhkhi Script.
Mourning the death of Dr. Jolly, the Guru Nanak Dev
University Teachers' Association (GNDUTA) lead by Dr. S. S.
Dhillon and Dr. T.S. Banipal viewed that the untimely demise of
Dr. Jolly, the University has lost a prominent teacher.
They prayed to the almighty to give peace to the departure
The Presidents of Guru Nanak Dev University Employees
Association and Officers' Association Mr. Suwinderjit Singh and
Mr. A.C. Sood respectively also expressed their profound grief on
the sudden demise of Dr. Jolly.