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Lavika Singh


Like many other members of Made In USA play team, Lavika Bhagat Singh’s interest in stage and acting is just one aspect of her highly accomplished and active life.  

Lavika Singh is a dynamic social and political worker. From a very
young age she was inspired by her father to "make a difference in the
world." Having worked for many years in the fashion industry Lavika decided
to devote her life towards the uplift of the underprivileged.  After
having been the Managing Director of Liz Claiborne, India, she worked with
Action Aid, India and Sheila Dixit, the honorable Chief Minister of Delhi on the shelter for the Homeless Project in Delhi. After being awarded for her contributions by the Governmnt, Lavika was further motivated to intensively work for the betterment of children in care of need and protection. This she did while working with Prayas, a non-profit organization based in New Delhi. Soon
after that, she along with a few friends, including Mr. Kapil Dev, former cricket captain of the Indian Team that brought home the World Cup incorporated KHUSHII a
Delhi-based NGO that is committed to the uplift of marginalized
marginalized sections of the Indian society, especially in rural areas.

Currently Lavika is the sole representative of KHUSHII in the United States and is also the President of the Washington Chapter of the Indian National Overseas Congress which is part of the Indian National Congress, the ruling party of India.


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