TWO DAYS WORK SHOP ON PUNJABI LANGUAGEPost graduate govt. college held a two days(7-8—12-2012) work shop on Punjabi language and its socieo- cultural aspects,in which lecturers from all govt. and non govt.colleges from Chandigarh were participated. Principal of govt college sector 11 .CHD gave a welcome address to all the deligates on the first day of workshop.A key note address was given by Dr. Surjit Singh Bhatti(Punjabi Unibversity ,Patiala)in which he said that” we should understand the capabilities of Punjabi language and there should be a systematic approach for the development of Punjabi language.He extended his lecture and said that there should be a job opportunity in Punjabi courses like computer applications,Mass communication,radio,T.V etc.A special invitee,Dr. Gurpal Sandhu from Punjab university praised the Chandigarh administration for this effort.he also support that Punjabi language syllabus course in graduate and postgraduate level should be improvised .He also said that Punjabi language in present time Should be market friendly.we should know the job requirements of Punjabi language and also the mental level of the students. Dr. Davinder kaur Lecturer from post graduate govt.college for girls presented a paper on Punjabi language,culture and litreatue.Dr. Jasbir kaur Lecturer from Post Guaduate govt. college for boys also presented paper on Punjabi language she said before any discussion on declining of Punjabi language the teachers of Punjabi language should analyse them self first. . Group discussion was designed In the evening session of work shop All the lecturers from various colleges of Chandigarh were divided in three groups and they have given various recommendations for the improvements of Punjabi curriculam in graduate and post graduate classes,and recommendations were presented among the house . On the 2nd(8/12/2012) day of workshop Convenor of the workshop welcome the deligates and key note address given by Dr.Jogga Singh(Punjabi university ,Patiala)he said that”we should develop the teaching of functional punajbi course.and also diffrenteate the teaching of language and teaching of literature.he also said that this is unfortunate for Punjabi that we have lack of language talent and capabilities for the teaching of Punjabi language.If we Understand the vocabulary,phonems,phonetics etc of Punjabi language then most of our problem related to Punjabi language automatically solved. Special invitee Dr. Surinder kumar daveshwar(retd. Proff.) from Panjab university.he started his lecture that the teaching of Punjabi is courrpted from primery level and he was also in favour of market friendly Punjabi language course and he said that if we want punjabi students should be recognize on international level then there is need to revise about the policyOf Punjabi language. Deputy newsEditor from Punjabi Tribune Chandigarh were also invited And he extended his views in support of mass communication in Punjabi language course. Group discussion was designed In the evening session of work shop on IInd day also.All the lecturers from various colleges of Chandigarh were divided in three groups and they have given various recommendations for the improvements of Punjabi curriculam in graduate and post graduate classes,and recommendations were presented among the house . House had given there recommendations about Punjabi honours schools ,Culture labs . Disscussions about curriculam and about the development of Punjabi language And social cultural aspects,were very fruitfull and all the participants and special invities were very hopefull for the future of Punjabi language they said that this is the beggining .these types of workshops and excersise for the Punjabi language should be organize time to time.