A belief in unity: The life of Abdus Salam
Tasneem Zehra Husain The name lay waiting, until he was born and all his life, Abdus Salam wore it as a mantle. Almost nine decades ago, Mohammad Hussain, a school teacher in Jhang, had a dream that his unborn son would go on to do great things and serve God. In gratitude, he decided to name this child Abdus Salam – the servant of peace. Abdus Salam was born, on 29 January 1926, into a family of modest financial means, where education was valued highly. His parents encouraged, and delighted in the young boy’s curiosity, and in that sparse but supportive atmosphere, Salam began to blossom. In his later years, he used to tell a story about when he was five and so engrossed in reading a book that he did not notice the cat running away with his dinner. That intense focus stayed with him throughout his life, as did his lively curiosity. Salam had an active, wondering mind, always brimming over with ideas. He kept track of these through notes scribbled on whatever he could find – from envelopes to scraps of paper, to the backs of posters. No ‘writable’ surface was safe. His son tells an amusing story about the time Abdus Salam had lunch at the Buckingham Palace with the Queen and Prince Philip. After all the guests had left the table, Salam went back and asked if he could take his napkin – he had written some notes on it. Abdus Salam was a truly cultured man and extremely well spoken. He read widely – spanning the spectrum from Islamic history to P.G. Wodehouse. Salam was a man of many interests. He was able to enjoy the beauty of Punjabi poetry, as well as the comic antics of the Marx brothers. Although he lived away from Pakistan for well over half his life, no one could mistake Abdus Salam’s roots. Tied up forever in our memories of him is the indelible image of a turbaned man in an achkan and curling khussas, receiving the Nobel Prize. A citizen of the world, at ease with people of all cultures and persuasions, he remained proudly Pakistani to the end of his days, and was – despite governmental attempts at disowning him – perhaps the best ambassador the country has ever had. A journalist once asked Salam how he felt about the fact that his extraordinary accomplishments had now branded Jhang as the birthplace of one of the greatest scientific minds of the century, whereas previously the only claim to fame this small village had, was due to the folktale of Heer Ranjha. With wit and humility, Salam answered; There are over 325 Nobel laureates in the world, but only one Heer. Salam was firmly committed to the cause of science in Pakistan, and he worked tirelessly to increase the exposure of, and create a better intellectual environment for, Pakistani scientists. He played a critical role in establishing Pakistan’s Atomic Energy and Space Research agencies PAEC and SUPARCO, and even initiated an annual physics conference in the hills of Nathia Gali, to which he attracted many international luminaries. Salam was the beloved mentor for an entire generation of Pakistani students, some of whom (most notably the twin brothers Riazuddin and Fayyazuddin) become physicists of international repute in their own rights. From: DAWN February 17, 2014