
The Great Calcutta
Killings of August 1946 in which both Hindus and Muslims lost lives in
the thousands transformed forever the nature of the Congress-Muslim
League standoff from a constitutional imbroglio to a violent communal
conflagration that culminated in the subcontinent bleeding, burning and
partitioned in mid-August 1947.
The first attacks on August 16 were the doings of Muslim hoodlums, but
their Hindu counterparts retaliated with equal force within a day or
two. South Asia's most revolutionary city had been turned into a killing
field where poor and innocent blood was spilled without let or hindrance
by criminals from the underworld connected to respectable political
patrons. A few days later Hindus in Noakhali, East Bengal, were attacked
by Muslims and hundreds were killed. In Bombay communal clashes took
place at about the same time and the Muslims were on the receiving end.
It was followed by terror let loose on the Muslim minority in Bihar in
September-October 1946. Official count of deaths in Bihar was put at
3000 and later at 5000, but the Muslim League claimed that at least 8000
Muslims were killed. In Garhmuktesar, UP, Muslims were killed in the
dozens though the reason for that outrage was not political.
In December 1946, Sikhs and Hindus in Hazara district of NWFP were
assaulted by Muslims. Hundreds of deaths and injuries took place and
looting of property was widespread. Thousands fled to the Punjab taking
refuge mainly in Rawalpindi. It must be said to the full credit of the
Punjab Unionist Party that all its leaders, Sir Fazle Hussain, Sir
Sikander Hyat and Sir Khizr Tiwana maintained impartial government, and
communal peace and harmony were hallmarks of their government. All this
was about to change.
Since at least the beginning of 1946, intelligence agencies had been
reporting that private armies were being recruited and trained in the
Punjab. On January 24, 1947 Punjab Premier Khizr Tiwana banned the
Muslim League National Guard and the Rashtriya Swayam Sewak (RSS). The
same day the Muslim League's direct action broke out.
A Muslim youth, Abdul Maalik, was killed on February 8 when a brick
thrown at a Muslim League procession from a housetop in a Hindu locality
of Lahore hit him. On February 24 an off duty Sikh constable was clubbed
to death by a Muslim mob in Amritsar. The Punjab was now rapidly
converting into a communal powder keg ready to blast any moment. Khizr
resigned on March 2. On March 3 Master Tara Singh unsheathed his kirpan
(sword) from the steps of the Punjab Legislative Assembly and gave the
call to finish off the menace of Pakistan. That evening Sikh and Hindu
Mahasabha leaders addressed huge crowds in Lahore making highly
provocative speeches. Incited Hindus and Sikhs returning from the
meeting killed three totally innocent Muslims when they reached their
stronghold of Shahalmi Gate.
Regular communal clashes between armed gangs took place in Lahore and
Amritsar on March 4. Knives, axes, long sticks and even firearms were
used by both sides. In Multan on March 5 a Hindu-Sikh procession shouted
anti-Pakistan slogans. It was immediately attacked by Muslims. Serious
rioting followed in the next few days. Dozens of non-Muslims were killed
and suffered huge loss of property.
But the most critical rioting took place in the Rawalpindi region.
Rawalpindi city had almost a 50-50 per cent Muslim and Hindu-Sikh
population balance, but in the district as a whole the Muslims were 80
per cent. The Sikhs were the most prosperous community in that district,
while the Hindus were mainly small shopkeepers, many engaged in the
jewellery business.
On March 5, Sikh-Hindu agitators began shouting anti-Pakistan slogans
and were challenged by Muslims. Firearms, stabbings and arson were
employed by both sides. Initially the non-Muslims felt they had been
successful in driving off Muslims from the streets of Rawalpindi. In the
evening of March 6, however, the direction of violence changed from the
city to the villages in the district. Suddenly armed Muslims in the
thousands began to raid Sikh villages. Neighbouring villages in the
Attock and Jhelum districts were also surrounded. In some places the
Sikhs fought back, but on the whole the conflict was one-sided.
Subsequent inquiry reports established that the attacks had been planned
according to military strategy and tactics and carried out accordingly.
These districts were the main recruiting ground for the British Indian
Army and the government investigation found abundant evidence of Muslim
ex-soldiers taking part in the attacks. Government statistics claim
2,000 dead, but Sikhs say that as many as 7,000 lost their lives. My own
research, based on visits in December 2004 to some of the villages,
suggest that the figure of 2,000 was too low. In some places nearly the
whole Sikh and Hindu populations were wiped out. However, the deaths
included the Sikhs killing their own women and children rather than
letting them fall in the hands of Muslim marauders.
Additionally many Sikhs and Hindus were forcibly converted to Islam.
Most of them reverted to their original faith when help arrived. Many
women and children were taken away by raiders but most were later
recovered. Looting and pillaging of property was the prime reason for
the attacks. The raids on the Sikh villages continued for a week: from
the evening of March 6 to March 12 or 13. Such villages were only an
hour or two away for military trucks to reach from the city. The
headquarters of the Northern Command was in Rawalpindi and there was no
dearth of troops. But intervention was delayed for too long. Perhaps
government preparation for controlling rioting anticipated urban trouble
and that it occurred on such a large scale in rural areas surprised the
administration, but my research suggests that at least locally there was
some sort of conspiracy at work to let the blood-spilling go on for some
time. There was an exodus in the thousands of Sikhs from Rawalpindi,
Attock and Jhelum districts to the eastern districts and the Sikh
princely states; some reports suggest hundreds of thousands left and
never returned. It is among them that many members of future Sikh jathas
(armed gangs, often on horseback) were recruited that from August 18
onwards wreaked havoc on the Muslims of East Punjab.
Meanwhile on March 8, 1947 the Congress in its Delhi session had adopted
a resolution supporting the Sikh demand for a partition of the Punjab in
which the predominantly non-Muslim areas should be separated from the
Muslim areas and given to East Punjab.
The writer is a visiting senior research fellow at the Institute of
South Asian Studies (ISAS), National University of Singapore on leave
from the University of Stockholm, Sweden. Email: