Dr. Muhammed Afzal Shahid
Weekly Independent,
Issue 08, August 06-12, 2007. Vol No. 07.
“Bullhe nun parhaya te oh sarangi phar
nacheya te ganveya. tenun parhaya te tun ishqiya qisse likhe” (I taught
Bullhe Shah and he danced and sang playing violin. I taught you and you
wrote love story), were the alleged painful remarks of Hafiz Ghulam
Murtaza of Kasur to his student, Waris Shah, when the latter is said to
have tried to gain blessings of his beloved teacher on completing his
anthology of Heer. However, the next day, after listening to selections

eh ruh qalbut da
zikr sara naal aql de mel mlaya ae
(Invocation of soul and body complete, have I wisely brought all

Heer ruh te chaak
qalbut jano Balnath eh pir banaya ae
Panjj pir havas eh panjj tere jinhan thhapna tuddh nun laya ae
(Know Heer as soul body Ranjha servant, Balnath is master guide over
Five senses yours are spiritual guides, they stroke you gently into
the great teacher is said to have been consoled and allegedly blessing
with yet another equally powerful remark:
“munjj di rassi wich moti pro chadde ni” (you have created a pearl
wreath on straw thread).
Whether or not this alleged encounter between the great teacher and his
student ever took place, however, it does reflect on the evident reality
of the two undeniably great iconic figures of Punjab and the Punjabi
literature. Punjab will always owe her gratitude to both.
Heer of Waris Shah is a powerful and authentic commentary on reality of
domestic, social, cultural, religious, traditional and customary norms
of Punjab. His anthology of Heer is full of poetic intensity, reflective
innovations, linguistic authority, intellectual naiveties, wisdom,
daring critique – with full comparisons and contrasts, romanticism, myth
and mythology, poetic vision and graceful execution of all aspects of
art of poetry to its ultimate perfection. His composition of Heer can
match and in many respects surpass the best literature anywhere in the
Little is known outside the sub-continent except among the expatriates
settled in countries around the world. Little has been done in terms of
introducing Waris Shah and his work to the rest of the literary world
The stanza from Heer of Wrais Shah presented below, in some manuscripts
it is entitled “Reality Dawns on Ranjha”, is a powerful example of power
of expression of a desperate cry from the heart of Ranjha (real name
Dheedo) when he comes to realize that wedding of his beloved Heer to
Saida Khera will go ahead and in no way can be stopped. Although the
stanza describes agony of pain at a certain moment of despair of the
main character of Heer, universality of its expression is clearly

maŕeyaň day khoh len đađhe, unpujjde oh naň bolade neň
nahiň chalda vass lachar ho ke, moe sapp wanguň biss gholdw neň
kadi aakhde mariye aap merye, pae aňdroň bahroň đolde neň
gon maŕeyaň de sabhe rehan wiche, maŕe maŕeyaň te dokh pholde neň
shandar nuň kare na koi jhuŧha, kaňgal jhuŧha ker ŧolde neň
Waris Shah latanide khaŕe maŕe, mare khof de muhuň na bolde neň
Mighty usurp darlings from the weak, weak cannot protest loss or pain
Helpless poor have no recourse, like dead snakes they wiggle in vain
Unsure should kill them or themselves, within and outward uncertain
Qualities of weak stay hidden within, weak share with weak their agony
Dares none refute arrogant mighty, weak penniless always wronged they
Waris Shah trodden are weak have-nots, fear turns them speechless dumb
Here Waris Shah is describing bitter realities of real life where
cruelty and injustice of the mighty have wronged weak individuals and
helpless societies throughout known history of the mankind. The best of
the weak and poor - be it their love, beloved, wife or kin – has been
snatched forcibly by the unjust mighty. The weak has no recourse. They
cannot even complain or protest. Unbearable pain of loss, humiliation
and fear of reprisals on protesting against aggression drive them insane
and crazy. In such moments of hopelessness and despair, life seems to
lose all its meanings for them. Some think of ending injustice by
killing the aggressors while others find escape by committing suicide.
Their condition is that of a freshly killed snake that wiggles
helplessly; seems alive but is lifeless and unable to strike back. End